Reviews for Morning Moon
Crystia chapter 9 . 8/21/2018
this was great! i really loved touya especially; he was very sweet while still "hiding" it really well. XD

And i also like how he really DIDNT like most people besides yuki and his family... since it was from his point of view most of the time, the reader really got to see how internally (as well as externally) standoffish he was. I also like how his behavior changes significantly, but also somehow subtly with yuki? like, he's still a bit standoffish, but not to the point where yuki would back off. I'm not sure exactly how to capture it in words, but i liked their dynamic a lot!

a scene that stood out to me was when touya took out his bad mood on yuki, and poor yuki just kind of stuck through it, and then touya trying to awkwardly (but sweetly) make it up to him with the tv visit. I guess I just really liked that touya wasn't perfect, and even yuki's personality could be annoying sometimes, but they will WORKED. It made them human and really likeable; a lot of times flaws are glossed over, but in this fic i thought they were done extremely well and i loved it.

Oh! As someone who doesn't remember everything from the series (in fact, i'm doubtful I even ever watched it all, but i liked it as a kid), i'm curious about the girl who touya met in the woods (and helped find her lost stuffed dinosaur). Actually, I'm not even sure she was in the original anime? I recognize many other things in this fic from the anime, like touya fighting syaoran, and the annoying girl nakuru. And I recognized the witch from tsubasa! (was she in sakura card captor too?). I liked how it filled in blanks and included stuff from the original! it was done so well, that with my spotty memory, i couldn't even always tell which stuff you added and which was original material!

ANYWAY! point still stands: was the girl a ghost? only touya ever saw her, and the toy was so rotted, i can't imagine the girl having played with it recently. Presumably she died in those woods. But this makes me so suspicious why that drugstore guy wanted the doll! Is it evidence? Was he her killer? But it's a bold move to show himself that way then; maybe it was a more benign move, a keepsake of his daughter or something...

well, if you ever decided to continue this in like a ten-year renewal, you'd have at least one reader here! But if not, thanks for posting, i enjoyed what was up. :)

...also, i thought your "Minuet Controversy" was kind of funny. I write stuff too, and I know how if you have even ONE small typo, EVERYONE comments on it. it's helpful but also kind of amusing; i should start making up names for them. hahaha

thanks again!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/4/2016
Hi! I don't know if you ever plan on ever finishing this, but I just wanted you to know that this fic is so beautiful and well written. I love the way you describe Yukito and Touya together, it's so cute and heart-warming. I can definitely see it happening! Thanks for writing such a masterpiece and sharing it with us. ;) I'll be sure to check in every now and then for updates (pwease).

sangelk chapter 9 . 10/11/2014
Hello um i'm not sure if you are still here on fanfiction or thinking of continuing this since it been 6 years now? But i really wanted to say how much i love love this fic! I i love your Yuki how so adorable he is and i really just screamed when you had added Kazahaya and Rikuo from legal drug as i just adore that manga! Plus the plot is interesting too and would love to see what would happen and i love how you write its really well written i think! Sorry if i don't make sense English isn't my first language and i really don't know how to express how and why i love this fic so much but i hope it makes sense somehow! Well anyway if you are still here and continuing this or not i just wanted to tell you all this how much i enjoyed it! Thank you so much and hope everything is ok!
KinInTheNight chapter 9 . 9/10/2012
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE but i think this hasnt been updated since 08 .-. four years ago. but it's amazing 3 jsut... just saying.
Darkling221 chapter 9 . 8/4/2012
Hey, I really enjoyed reading this story and when I went to check when you'd last updated it seemed you hadn't done so for a number of years. It seems a shame to end it here and I hope you can eventually finish it :)
DeletedAccount1357559 chapter 9 . 2/15/2012
I really enjoyed reading this fanfiction; it's a shame that it hasn't been updated for such a long time.
X-INACTIVE chapter 9 . 2/8/2012
I love this. I know that since it has been a little over three years that Morning Moon will never be finished. But I still feel like this is important to say that I love this story. Touya and Yukito are one of my all time favourite couples ever. Please do not think that no one likes it anymore because I do. I hope life is good and that you are good.

Mysteriously Gone Account chapter 9 . 5/23/2010
It's been such a long time since a fanfiction moved me this much... there were parts when I was actually squealing at the cuteness, and sometimes I got so nervours my heart would beat faster!

This is an amazing piece of work, and I was wondering if you'll continue it? I know, of course, that you'll also be busy with your own personal stuff, though.

Anyway, really, congratulations! Touya and Yuki are way to adorable. They were the first BL couple I ever liked, and having read this fic made my love for them come back!
kinosternon chapter 8 . 2/26/2010
Oh the "little red earpiece" you had me going /oh no you didn't.../ And yes, my suspicions were confirmed. XD

Cardcaptor Lulu? What is this? I must see this!

Oh yeah, and great story btw. XD I'm very impressed at how long it is! Planning to update soon? At all?
Gia chapter 9 . 7/13/2009
The story is great, really entertaining! I'm surprised it hadn't gotten more reviews until now! It surely deserves more!

I realize it's been awhile since you've updated so I have to ask, still plan on continuing the story? I understand if not, just wanted to know! In any case, I have to say that I enjoyed reading what you wrote so far. Thanks for writing!
Tomo Potter chapter 9 . 2/4/2009

You have made me fall in love with Touya and Yuki all over again :D Brilliant story, absolutely brilliant _ I don't recognise any of the stories you're crossing over with (I'm not hugely into anime/manga) but the way you've written this it doesn't really matter. Absolutely brilliant writing - eagerly awaiting the next chapter _
timme chapter 2 . 1/31/2009
nice story. but it's kinda twilight zone creepy. if i was toya i'd be freakin out till i figured it all out. and tomoyo was odd too. to speak as though she's responsible for a boy twice her age, not to mention everything else. she's like what, 7, 8?

still, interesting. i wonder if you'll bring fai into the fic.
Zuzanny chapter 9 . 11/14/2008
I am really enjoying this fic so far, even if I don't know who half the cross over characters are. Please write more soon! :)
twilightpath chapter 9 . 11/11/2008
Aw~ So cute! Ugh, Nakuru scares me. o-o;; Get off Touya, woman! Yuki's so cute.. Here's a cookie! :]
moonstone glows chapter 9 . 11/8/2008
Wow, this is brilliant, I'm loving it. As you are hiding under the banner of AU goodness, how about Akizuki falling prey to that Vash dude's murderer? lol. Someone really needs to kill her, honestly they do. I can't wait for more.
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