Reviews for Dreamcatcher
Guest chapter 6 . 9/25/2019
I hopefully you don't make Elizabeth be scarred for life.
Akira Darkness chapter 22 . 9/13/2014
Out of all the stories I've read on this site, this is still my favorite to read over and over again. I've revisited your story many times over the years since I first discovered it and every time I finish, I wait and hope that maybe one day there will be an update. If one should never arise I will still revisit and reread until I exist no more. :)
the-compulsive-tea-drinker chapter 22 . 8/28/2013
This is amazing! i love love love it! please please please update soon. i need to know what will happen. please. PLEASE! by for now...
Bebe612 chapter 22 . 8/11/2013
I really hope you come back and update this story! It's absolutely amazing and I would love to find out what led ch22!
Lupinscout chapter 22 . 1/12/2013
So. It's hard to find good Twilight fanfiction. But I just found one. Thank you for the very enjoyable couple hours spent reading this. But I got to say, did I miss something? Cause the last chapter they were going off to find out what was wrong and in this Embry and Jacob are missing and Beth's in the hospital. Where did the missing chapters go? It was all very confusing. I even went back to check to see if I had accidentally skipped some chapters. Please tell me all will be explained later.
reaper07 chapter 22 . 1/1/2013
You need to finish this!
ArynTayWolfGirl chapter 22 . 5/4/2012
A good and interesting story! please update soon!
wickedsingularity chapter 22 . 4/15/2012
Now, don't hate me for what I'm about to say, but I have to explain in order to tell you how much I care for this story.

I kind of hate Twilight. I used to love it so much that I almost crashed my car when I remembered that Breaking Dawn was finally out and I could buy the book. But then I grew out of it, but continued to watch the movies when they came out, because I had to finish what I started. Then Twilight was on the television a couple of weeks ago, and I found myself wanting to watch the rest of the movies, so I did, and finally got around to watching Breaking Dawn. I still don't like Twilight much, but I switched teams. When I was a fan, I was on Team Edward. Then I was on Team Fuck-It-All. Now I am on Team Jacob. Not in the Bella-should-be-with-Jacob way, no she and Edward deserve each other. It's Team Jacob-deserve-someone-else-than-Bella-and-Nessie. Plus, I love werewolves... :)

So I found myself attracted to the increasingly fierce Jacob I saw in the movies now that I finally paid full attention, and knew I had to find some Jacob/OC fanfiction. Queue your story:

Amazing! Your way of writing is perfect. I think I saw one lonely typo in there, but I don't remember where or what it was. You draw the reader in, create interesting characters, keep the canon ones in character and write them better than I felt Stephenie ever wrote them. I love how the relationship between Beth and Jake developed, I love Kat and how she was so sceptical about Jake and all the others to begin with. I read the first six chapters postponing sleep the other night, giving me only four hours of sleep before I had to meet my friends for shopping. Then when I came home I read the rest in one sitting.

I feel I'm rambling here. But I like this story so much in fact, that I think I might try some of your other stories even though they're Edward/Bella. There's a huge chance you're going to make me like them again :) And that's really saying something :)

So, I really really hope you post book 2 soon, because that beginning of it was just too cruel :) What happened to Beth? How did Kat react when Beth first told her all about the Pack? Who is Lorenzo Moretti? Where is Jake and Embry?

Done rambling now :)
Yaoi-Beloved chapter 10 . 11/27/2011
lol shes 23. Jake is 16 *grins*

that is what? 7 years his senior xD Nice!
Crystal-Wolf-Guardain-967 chapter 22 . 3/26/2011
i love it! can't wait for more!
EnglishVoice chapter 22 . 8/19/2010
Well written. I'm surprised that you don't have more reviews. I've really enjoyed this story so far. I guess you don't update it very often which is probably why there aren't as many reviews as one might expect. I expect I'll have to be patient to see what happens next.
georgeness chapter 22 . 8/1/2010
Wow. I just read all 22 chapters of this brilliant story in one sitting. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I always thought that Jacob got the shaft in the books, so I've just recently started to read fanfiction about him and an OC. This story is beyond brilliant. I will be eagerly awaiting your next update. :)
WolfGirl2012 chapter 22 . 7/28/2010
heyy! please keep writin... your really good! can't wait to read more!
Elianna Eldari chapter 22 . 7/23/2010
Yay! Thank you for continuing this, I thought it was abandoned and was quite disappointed. Now I have to reread it, as I was a bit lost.
The Mortal Slytherpuff chapter 22 . 7/22/2010
Great chapter! Can't wait to see more.
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