Reviews for Babylon Bee
Guest chapter 1 . 10/26/2015
Jet and Bean HC
Bean would occasionaly bug his big brother( the'K-i-s-s-i-n-g' song about his cruh on Wave,or steal his food)which usually earning Jet trying to slap chase him with his board.
Despite sometimes treating Bean like a child,Jet is very protective over Bean and never tries to neglect him.
Bean like to ship his brother with Wave,which really ratted them out .
streetfighter246 chapter 3 . 12/22/2009
Another great chapter. How did you learn to write so well? :)
streetfighter246 chapter 2 . 12/22/2009
Great chapter. You really are a great writer.
streetfighter246 chapter 1 . 12/22/2009
nice chaper :)
SupergamerGreg79 chapter 25 . 11/12/2008
Such a happy end to a great story. What? It's not over? Now I REALLY can't wait.
Whip the Rabbit chapter 25 . 11/11/2008
That's such a happy ending...

but I have a question: What the Hell happened to the Extreme Gear Grand Prix!
Aika08 chapter 25 . 11/11/2008
A happy conclusion for a fantastic story! By the way, loved how you threw in a Mighty/Aikara hint in this chapter. Keep on doing what you do best!
Sonic Phantom chapter 25 . 11/11/2008
Oh, questions...hmm...

1. For Jet: Do you think that you could beat Charmy in an Extreme Gear Race?

2. Are there going to be crossovers with other games or anime in the sequel?

3. Are you going to request OC's in the sequel?
CrazyNutSquirrel chapter 25 . 11/11/2008
I don't get your request. Are we allowed to ask if fancharacters can be submitted or something? If not, and if I actually do understand your request a little, why don't the Babylon Rogues and Team Chaotix join up? It seems like a shame to part Charmy and Storm.
Dark Maelstrom chapter 25 . 11/11/2008
I knew Charmy would go back to the Chaotix. That whole parent thing couldn't go away. That was a really touching ending, overall. I liked it! The end with the Babylon Rogues and Chaotix was rather tear jerking, and I haven't cried since the age of ten. When my uncle died in a car crash. So, it was pretty emotional. you did a real good story here Kiba, you really outdid yourself.

And now that this is over, what the hell are you going to do with Sonic?

Gemini: Um, reunion show...

Oh yeah!

Gemini: This will be REALLY interesting. Oh boy, I'm gonna need some migraine pills. DS92, lemme in your medicine cabinet.

Hell na! *Starts fight* Um, see you next chapter! Shut up Gemini! You think that stuff is made for animals?

Dark-Illusion-Detective chapter 25 . 11/11/2008
... poor Babylon Rogues! I loved the ending though! Um... questions huh? Okay, um... (takes out large notebook that has a few questions on it) if Charmy had known about the Babylon Rogues being the cause of his kingdom's downfall then would he have stayed with them as long as he did? Does this mean that the Babylon Rogues are going to be around more often to see Charmy? What happens next now that Charmy's reunited with the Chaotix? Will my questions be answered? (Closes book) okay, I think that's all my questions. This was a great chapter, and I hope you update soon...
Babylon Sky Hawk chapter 25 . 11/11/2008
Everyone gets a happy ending like it's supposed to be. But sometime, things are never a peaceful as they seem.

I hope you make another sequal. Until next, Kiba-Sensei.
Dark-Illusion-Detective chapter 24 . 11/8/2008
YEAH! RODRIGO FINALLY GETS TO ROT IN HELL! (Clears throat and grins) awesome chapter Kiba! That had to be the greatest battle I've ever read. I hope you update soon.
PurplePurplePurple chapter 24 . 11/7/2008
omg! that was totall amazing! i cannot WAIT for the next chapter! keep it up! :)
SupergamerGreg79 chapter 24 . 11/7/2008
Finally, Charmy gets revenge. Congratulations to him.
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