Reviews for Coming Home
Nerdyesque chapter 7 . 5/4/2011
V is so stupid sometimes, sigh. Ah well, I'll chalk it up to the pregnancy brain - a true phenom . I hoped there was more, but alas my hopes were dashed. Feel like coming back to it?
Nerdyesque chapter 5 . 5/4/2011
I want to smack Veronica sometimes. Loved the attempted intervention. You definitely nailed the voices of each character, kudos.
Nerdyesque chapter 3 . 5/4/2011
I think it would've been interesting to say the least if Piz were the dad *shudders* I don't think Logan would've handled that well. I loved the scene with Logan facing the Mars' door - classic!
kelsey112 chapter 7 . 8/16/2009
loved it make more plz
brosuitup chapter 7 . 12/16/2008
Even though you left off at what could be an ending place, I hope you continue this story. The Veronica and Vinnie back story was a really nice touch.
Tigermusic chapter 7 . 12/7/2008
really like it so far so keep it coming im looking forward to read more off it ptryyt soon so hurry up and update ;)
ParadiseLost23 chapter 7 . 6/5/2008
yay! LoVe! update soon
lost in pale blue chapter 7 . 5/23/2008
Veronica is driving me insane.
Mirajane Scarlet chapter 6 . 5/22/2008
Is everyone in Neptune crazy? lol. I loved the crazy witnesses. Especially the one that said she was juggling kiwis... 'cause really, who does that?

I also loved the highlighters thing. lol.

Mancy chapter 7 . 5/22/2008
aw i love them so cute and i love how you played Piz i liked it can't wait for an update
duckie2011 chapter 7 . 5/21/2008
Beccakell13 chapter 7 . 5/21/2008
YAY for LoVe :). I like the idea of Piz being the one to knock some sense into Veronica. Looking forward to more!
JMG 2.0 chapter 7 . 5/21/2008
For an Australian high school student... this is really good.

For anybody at all... this is really good. I could see a story like this potentially coming from the pen of Phil Klemmer or Diane Ruggiero. Considering some of the other LoVe and/or pregnancy fics I've read, this is EXCEPTIONAL.

Well done, and I'm looking forward to more.
LoVefan4ever chapter 7 . 5/21/2008
AWh, yea! Veronica finally pulled her head out of her a** and decided to give their relationship a chance! I really enjoyed the nice long chapter.

And who knew Piz could be so philosophical? Glad V took what he had to say to heart.

Can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon, please:)
CrimStudent47 chapter 7 . 5/21/2008
awesome chapter, good and long, update soon please
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