Reviews for Sour Apple
Cucumber-Monger chapter 9 . 11/18/2017
This is my new fav fic! I lol love it!
Thank you so much for sharing this masterpiece with the world!

Love always,
lulue79 chapter 9 . 4/5/2017
Lovely fic! I had fun reading it! Where does the title come from, though?
Hana chapter 9 . 2/11/2017
its been 8 years :'c
WriterFan4Life chapter 9 . 9/25/2016
I hope you continue this story.
coco chapter 1 . 8/15/2016
You captured their interactions so perfectly! Inspired :)
SakuraBlossom58 chapter 9 . 4/19/2016
I actually really love your story. Update soon!
BabyGhost123 chapter 9 . 2/10/2015
Update soon it's really good and should be kept going ...
Izzy848 chapter 3 . 12/15/2013
Oh my, I almost died laughing. Beyond that your writing style is amazing and put together well! I really enjoy this fic!
gaap237 chapter 9 . 4/11/2013
Please continue! I would love to see other people's reactions to their relationship, particularly Isshin's!
Tomyallen chapter 2 . 2/18/2012
(Tried to stop shaking the bed with her laughter) (and fails)

Okay so now that I have calmed down. Wow great chapter. Nice and steamy. And those last lines...of course that would happen. Like really I should have known.
RattiesGoRawr chapter 7 . 11/17/2011
I love this story so much. It's cute and sexy and Urahara totally reminds me of someone I used to know.
NakaylaHael chapter 9 . 7/9/2011
Wonderful~! Your skill at writing astounds me, you know. I'm quite envious. I don't think I'm nearly as good as you.

And please tell me you will be updating this story! I saw that you haven't since '09 and, just so you know, it would sadden me greatly if it's discontinued!
Midnight Essence chapter 1 . 6/4/2011
I miss this fic... *crys and prays to the yaoi gods for updates and completion*
emovampiressxox chapter 4 . 6/18/2010
I swear, this freakin chapter made me cry! XD I'm not kidding, I was half way through it or so, and when they were together on the bridge and it says something about Ichigo noticing Kisuke's hand inching towards his and he freezes, not wanting to ruin anything..

I realized I was just CRYING! XD Like an emotional idiot!

So I thought I'd tell you, ahaha.

I just have gone through something so incredibly similar to this, and it's astounding how well you captured the emotions.

Fantastic job. :)
lemonlimediddies chapter 1 . 3/31/2010
love it:D
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