Reviews for We all have our secrets?
UzumakiMatsurika chapter 5 . 3/4/2010
Some parts on the last story was really story

I just hope you countine to write more

I'm dieing to laugh my head off

while you make fun of hinata!...

Hahaha overall really great story

finish it u bastard!
UzumakiMatsurika chapter 3 . 3/4/2010
You know what

I totattly forgot about this story man! I was reading something

from what u send me like 2 yrs ago hehe

anyways ! I finish this and I'll tell u if it's good or not

miss u!
Rinoku chapter 5 . 9/10/2008
Hey, it's very nice written!

You're a great writer, and actually made me feel sorry for Neji.

I don't like Hinata at all, so KibaNeji

Yaoifan here
Prisca Machado chapter 4 . 5/29/2008
NejiKiba! *O* (yaoi fangirl) Just kidding. But I guess that an unusual pairing like that would be interesting!
Prisca Machado chapter 3 . 5/25/2008
Poor Neji-kun... _ Hiashi-sama is a bad man, bad man! I like your fanfic, please keep going!
UzumakiMatsurika chapter 2 . 4/29/2008
gurl u better put more it just gets better and better gosh what did he do to kiba ah nevermind i just find out
UzumakiMatsurika chapter 1 . 4/14/2008
come on man wat happens next shit man im hungrey lol

but first chapter was good he-he