Reviews for The Who Tales
Coolgo chapter 29 . 7/2/2010
love it, love it LOVE IT! poor Master:(
Coolgo chapter 15 . 7/2/2010
Liturary Jammed I love it! I have got to meet Marty!
tiamat100 chapter 39 . 11/23/2009
This was strange, but I'm glad to see you've updated. PLease, write more?
BellsAndRoses chapter 39 . 11/23/2009
All of these chapters were completely random and half of them made no sense what so ever, but they were very entertaining!
LabyrinthFan chapter 37 . 9/14/2009
I watched labyrinth for the first time about two days before you published this! That is so cool. Hee hee, I wish I could see what happens next!
tiamat100 chapter 15 . 5/7/2009
I would just like to say that this is probably the funniest chapter in the entire fic. I laugh EVERY TIME! And i have read it more than once. A lot more.

And how dare she give the Daleks Rasperry! She should have given them something ickier!
tiamat100 chapter 37 . 5/7/2009
I knew that they were references to Labyrinth! I just knew it!

I actually thought I was imagining it but then you had to mention Ludo!

This is great! I love it, it's really funny. Please write more of The Who Tales soon!

And the goblin king is baiting Marty and Sarah? Cool.
Will B chapter 27 . 3/26/2009
*sigh* Simply inserting yourself - or a Mary Sue - into someone ELSE'S story (such as, you know, an actual episode from the TV show!) is NOT the same thing as writing a fanfic. I'm sure we all saw and loved the episode, and all wish that we too could be one of the Doctor's companions. Try coming up with something original and interesting next time.
Cat chapter 22 . 2/15/2009
Were you deliberately mispelling Raxacoricofallpatorius? And no, I didn't look that up. I actually CAN spell it. Sad, aren't I? But great, really enjoying it.
Sailor-TimeLord chapter 9 . 2/11/2009
I am just loving this
Bambieyes1234 chapter 37 . 2/5/2009
I love this it's SO funny i cant stop laughing.

Can you please do a chapter with Marty meeting the Master in the sound of the drums?

maridette chapter 36 . 1/10/2009
YAY! I just read all 36 chapters for the first time in one sitting and I'm VERY excited about these! hehe.

This is totally great! I love daleks not acting like daleks. it's FUNNY!

You rock, girl!
Simone Lecrae chapter 2 . 12/6/2008
That reminds me of my little brother. He just started watching Doctor Who. When we was watching season 2 on dvd on Thanksgiving day, he turned me with big eyes and asked:

'Riley, don't you lie to me.

Santa is a Time Lord, isn't he?'
hi chapter 35 . 12/5/2008
marty is awesome give us some more
Andromeda chapter 2 . 12/3/2008
That is so smart!
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