Reviews for A Family Affair
Sakura Lisel chapter 8 . 4/27/2013
*lol* I don't see why Elphaba has to hide now. How else are they going to explain why FIYERO'S kid is green unless they let Elphba stay out in the open?
Sakura Lisel chapter 5 . 4/27/2013
*lol* unless that bra size is BIGGER/SMALLER than Glinda's own chest, why doesn't the mom just assume the black bra is Glinda's. Melinda DID spend the previous night listening to Glinda and Fiyero having sex in that very same room, so why can't the bra belong to Glinda since for all the mom knows it might have gotten lost in the sheets during her daughters bedsport with her 'husband'. *lol*
Sakura Lisel chapter 3 . 4/27/2013
*lol* Glinda's mom really is an idiot (and a pervert). Its none of her dang business what her daughter and supposed son-in-law. Glinda should have either blasted the door off its hinges with her magic, or something. What she and Fiyero do or don't do (and WHEN they do it) in the PRIVACY of their bedchamber in THEIR home is none of her mom's business.

Though unless they cast a locking spell, or Elphaba was extremely quiet while Fiyero made sound effects to make it sound like HE was the one having sex with Glinda, even the mom should have realized that she WASN'T hearing any deep MANLY grunts and groans of pleasure going on in that room along with her daughters WOMANLY sounding grunts and moans of pleasure. *lol*
nursejoy7 chapter 10 . 10/6/2012
Gelphie baby X3 that's soooo cute :) nice fic as the others of yours
RomanaLadyPresidentOfGallifrey chapter 10 . 6/23/2011
:) aww! :) baby gelphie!
KawaiiKilala77 chapter 10 . 9/16/2010
Haha, this fic had me laughing all day. I love it. Even though I got angry at Glinda's parents, I was glad that everything turn out okay.
3Cheersfor5Years chapter 10 . 5/18/2010 cute
apprentice celt chapter 10 . 4/18/2010
super sweet!
B00k Freak chapter 2 . 2/1/2010
"Glinda I'm scared" LOL, fantastic!
JGirl chapter 10 . 12/27/2008
Aw, I luv the name. And I luv the names Mrs. Upland comes u w/, Flinda and Gliyero...maybe I should change my name to
pcp4202002 chapter 10 . 7/21/2008
i just noticed you finished this. i read the firt part a while back and it was great now the rest of the story is finished its wonderul i was cracking up. bob biq...boq lmao
GorgeousSmile chapter 10 . 6/10/2008
I loved it!

I loved the baby's name too. lol made me laugh.

Also great ending, i like how you put in some of the lyrics.

overall great job! ;)
Love That Wicked chapter 10 . 6/10/2008
That was such a sweet ending. I'm glad Glinda's parents finally came around to the fact that Elphie is their daughter-in-law. Too bad she had to get shot and save her wife from a raging river to prove herself. LOL

This was great. And what more perfect name is there for that green skinned blue eyed baby than Gelphie?

Awesome job! Can't wait for your next one.
QuillandPen chapter 10 . 6/10/2008
Gelphie's a nice name for the baby. Are you going to have another story for this about their experience as parents while Gelphie grows up?
Japple Jacks chapter 10 . 6/10/2008
Yay! Happiness! Thrillifyingly brilliant! I love it!

Great ending, great everything, really. Go Uncle Fiyero, Go!
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