Reviews for Naraku's curse, Kagome's Reborn Strength Part I
Guest chapter 25 . 7/8
Amazing final battle. And yeah, Naraku was spiteful enough to pull this off, which is why they should have killed him the instant they had him.
I'm assuming there is more since the very title of the story says 'part I'.
Guest chapter 23 . 7/8
Prince Takahiro made a single cameo and now is gone, another heart stolen for Kagome's collection of handsome demon lovesick puppies. She's ruthless.
This chapter was very enjoyable but I feel it could have expanded to something more epic and emotional. The almost hopeless search and then the emotional encounter with a very injured Kagome to the jealousy that ignited because another demon is nursing her back to health. Then their insecurities and fears after thinking her dead. And the way her relationship qith Youko and Kuronue is taking a more emotional turn in every little interaction. I almost feel sad there are so few scenes of everyone interacting, the plot flies so fast.
Guest chapter 22 . 7/8
Wait, hold on. Last chapter Kagome was saved by the male ebony kitsune and here it changed to 'the shards saved her like tenseiga'? And Naraku is seriously self-sabotaging himself a lot. He could have just told them she died and left, by telling them that the shards disappeared he gave them a huge clue. Heck, he could have told them she's 'gone' and it would have been vague enough to confuse them at the many possibilities, like Naraku having her in a weakened estate.
Guest chapter 21 . 7/8
Another stalker kitsune? I have a feeling he won't be as gentlemanly as Daichi.
Naraku is fighting Kagome head on, what a miracle. Then again, sending an incarnation or settling a simple trap won't tickle her at this point.
What I can't understand is why he never finishes her off, it's like he can't bring himself to do it.
Awesome battle, it was great.
Guest chapter 20 . 7/8
Kagome is way too OP. She can manipulate plants and shadows plus who knows what else, not even mentioning being a Miko herself. What I like about this story is that it feels like she gained each of these skills on her own, so far nobody has truly trained her and it's her independence and head strong attitude that makes her refuse help. As a human she could not afford that, but being a youkai she is now able to act on those impulses and while she gets pretty hurt and falls in more trouble than most can stand (its a surprise Youko and Kuronue haven't snapped yet seeing as they barely keep up and arrive almost too late) she's happy with her new "curse". Any other holy human would have purified themselves out of disgust at what they became and fallen to their new instincts because they reject that part of themselves. But because Kagome accepts both sides and loves herself and both races it became a gift instead, perfectly balanced. Naraku created his greatest enemy himself haha
Guest chapter 19 . 7/8
After her encounter with the other ebony kitsune I'm fairly sure Youko and Kuronue will be targeted a lot more for Kagome rather than their reputations of being thieves. Seriously, she can't catch a breath! If it isn't Naraku trying to kill her it's guys fighting over her, Daichi was a breath of fresh air and I believe he's the most worthy and mature of them all.
TekoloKuautli chapter 18 . 7/8
This chapter also has a small problem with its structure.

And why does everyone have to explain everything with detail to practical strangers? It's entertaining but not really realistic for everyone to be so open about everything.
TekoloKuautli chapter 17 . 7/8
The format this chapter was distracting from the story, the paragraphs are jumbled together and cut off abruptly. Did something happen?

I also laughed when she just left Youko and Kuronue blissfully asleep and went adventuring on her own. Again. Then dissed them out to the bandits here. Ah, you rock girl.
TekoloKuautli chapter 16 . 7/8
Is it getting hot in here or what?
Damn, what a hot chapter. And I'm kind of jealous of Kagome but at the same time I pity her, they are relentless and as they fall deeper and deeper also insatiable. She's going to have two mates, no questions asked.
What I wonder is how this arrangement is going to work, I doubt Kagome would like the life of a thief and she'll never leave Shippo behind.
I'm also picturing a future where Kuronue is alive but Youko still became an avatar, both Kagome and the bat find him as he's still a kid, move next door as the 'newly married couple' and integrate themselves into his life with his mother all charmed and sighing dreamily because that couple are so affectionate towards each other. Meanwhile Youko is very much pissed because those two are having fun on his face as punishment for almost getting killed and has to wait because as a kid it makes Both of them uncomfortable to touch him in anything less than chaste.
TekoloKuautli chapter 15 . 7/8
What do you know, the monk helped in his own way haha!
Kagome's cheery attitude really was off putting, I'm glad the others were scared.
TekoloKuautli chapter 14 . 7/8
So they finally caught up haha How embarrassing, honestly I thought Sesshomaru would feel the most offended after Youko. I hope the silver begins to develop deeper feeling for Kagome soon or she'll never fall for him.
TekoloKuautli chapter 13 . 7/7
Akubi is a sweet boy and his grandfather wise for being out of most of the loop on news. The monk is an idiot but his reasoning is spot on about religious people who feel they can kill if it's "the right thing to do".
TekoloKuautli chapter 12 . 7/7
Aww Kagome in fox form is adorable. And her ears getting attention really is her weakness, I bet she may think her fox ears and tail are the best perks she got from the deal haha
TekoloKuautli chapter 11 . 7/7
I hope Daichi lives and keeps that friendship with Kagome too, as long as Youko finds them together she'll protect her new friend. Which is hilarious because it'll hurt the thief's pride even more, like a confirmation that he's inept at protecting her while a stranger was.
Kouga is also a lot more reasonable here, the many youkai instincts and social dynamics at play are interesting to read in their subtle appearances.
TekoloKuautli chapter 10 . 7/7
I'm liking this Daichi more and more, he's a gentleman and mostly curious about Kagome. He pampers and finds her amusing.
Inuyasha's rant felt a lot like he has been keeping a lot of frustrations inside, especially the fact that he's now surrounded by kitsunes. lol
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