Reviews for A Doughnut Drabble
Guest chapter 1 . 6/16/2017
Chocolatpen chapter 1 . 10/18/2011
One word- LOL! :D thanks!
paradrama chapter 1 . 11/1/2009

this is just so incredibly awesome. you rock. HAHA I was giggling mindlessly through this entire thing, this is completely Ouran. I can imagine Kyouya giving Tamaki this look... hm... how much will he fetch... and the twins poking Milord with a stick.

write more please!
eljasrey chapter 1 . 11/1/2009
Kyouya could picture it now, Tamaki in a cast; hordes of girls would definitely pity him and designate him. And Tamaki would flip his hair dramatically and tell them the horrendous experience of falling off a 20-foot cliff, trying to save the Haruhi who’d been attacked by wild wolves.

I loved that part. and many other parts. hahaha.. this is really funny. loved it. :)
Wings of Fidelity chapter 1 . 6/6/2009
Well, with regards to your note at the end of the fic, I'd like to relieve your doubt. It's DAMN HILARIOUS! I am seriously going to need stomach medicine from all the laughing I did - which was for about a whole 10 minutes after I've read it.

The part where Tamaki getting beat up by Hunny was the best. I could just imagine him trying to crawl slowly towards Kyouya, with Hunny beating him senseless. And, oh yeah, he's screaming like mad.

Definitely loved it, and hope to see more from you soon

~ Wings of Fidelity
Ashlyn Darke chapter 1 . 9/24/2008
Died of laughter upon reading the last lines.
dragontamer16 chapter 1 . 7/30/2008
I had recently seen the Lord of the Rings movies(best movies ever, except Titanic) for the unknown time, which made it even funnier! I loved it! I especially love how you made Kyouyo!
Arsenic Android chapter 1 . 6/7/2008
"the One Doughnut has been lost to him forever… well… not forever it would just turn out different when Mori went to the bathroom…"

I freaking loved this story!

*bows down* thank you o great one!
Domini-chan chapter 1 . 4/13/2008
Bisco Hatori is a woman. I think. Anyway, FUNNY! Hehehe, he got betrayed by Mori-sempai. Poor Hunny.
Jadenade chapter 1 . 3/15/2008
Okay, being a Tolkien fan and absolutely obsessed with Ouran I had to click! That was such a cute idea and I just love Hunny!