Reviews for Nightshade Seduction
jonathyn chapter 23 . 7/1
my first and only incredible fic I've read. i loved it, thanks for the enjoyment.
Valaista chapter 9 . 1/21/2019
Soo sad about how the butterfly was killed (;_;
Guest chapter 23 . 11/8/2018
I didn't expect this to make me feel so many things. As an author I hope you feel accomplished that your eloquence has not only convinced me to continue this story though I felt guilty at times doing so, but to also understand and see things in a different way from before I started this story. Good job, I fucking love this.
anand891996 chapter 2 . 9/25/2017
huh. Killing tony was a bit extreme
Guest chapter 23 . 5/15/2016
I loved this soooo much I cant wait for the next one u make it gave me goose bumps this was really great cant wait for the next one :)
TheLazlow chapter 23 . 1/14/2014
Damn. That is all I can say. This is truly my second favorite story of all time(Don't feel bad, If I ever find a story that beats my first one, that marks a new age of humanity. I'm not easy to move). It did tend to drone on here and there, but the story was well worth the read.


Guest chapter 7 . 1/12/2014 the fuck did you make me like this pairing, HOW?!
RD chapter 2 . 9/25/2013
Really? Im not even gonna read anymore. There is no way a villain can become a teacher. Im pretty sure regular criminals cant work with kids/teens after they get out, no matter who they bribe. Plus, no parent will allow this. It would end up on the national news, and the entire schoolboard would be fired. And Bob would just come in and break the guys neck. Dude, next time at least TRY to be realistic.
AnonymouslyChic chapter 23 . 5/26/2013
...Um, THAT WAS AMAZING! Oh my God, my mind has literally been blown to pieces. This story was...words can't even BEGIN to describe it... Wow! At first, I was really reluctant to read a mature story involving Syndrome/Buddy because, I mean, NOTHING good can come from "Syndrome" and "Mature" in the same sentence. At least that's what I thought. You have totally changed my perspective on this pairing. I could not stop reading this once I started. You are a truly gifted writer and I wish you all the luck and happiness in the world!
orinette chapter 23 . 5/19/2013
Oh, lordy, lordy, where to begin...

First off, I started reviewing on a chapter-by-chapter basis, and I stopped because A) I realized just how long ago this was posted and saw that you've been on hiatus for years and so figured it didn't matter, and B) I couldn't bring myself to stop long enough between chapters to leave a comment. Most of my comments would've gone as such: "OMG jeebus and mohammad fuck what are you doing to my brain". Or something along those lines.

I'm happy to report that you kept me on my toes like whoa. At first I thought this was shaping up to be Buddy's redemption arc (boy oh boy did you prove me wrong on that front!), but I soon realized that Syndrome was making far too many appearances for that to happen. I love that you kept it dark and weren't afraid to show just how fucked up the Synlet pairing can be/is - no matter how fluffy some fics and fanart make it look, he's still insane and she's still a teenager. (By the way, I'm pretty sure that Violet was supposed to be 14 in the movie, not 13, since high school freshmen year for US students is usually 9th grade... which would mean that she should be 17 going on 18 in this fic... but I could be wrong. Whichever, it doesn't matter.)

I appreciate that you kept Syndrome nasty and revenge-driven and insane all the way through to the end, while at the same time incorporating the fact that he really does come to care for Vi. This is a perfect example of the Even Evil Has Loved Ones trope - you can be a psychotic murderer and still genuinely fall in (albeit messed up) love.

That said, I found it really hard to like the guy. I actually think that this fic turned me OFF of Synlet more than it turned me onto it, because every time I sort of got into the attraction, or found myself half-squeeing over Buddy's little moments of embarrassment or affection, you'd turn it around and show me exactly WHAT I was rooting for - a very sick, very DANGEROUS man attempting to seduce a teenager in order to kill her parents. And the more that Violet fell into his trap, the more control he had over her, the more she found herself bending to him and doing whatever he said and TRUSTING the fucker, the less I liked the pairing. It's unhealthy and disturbing and leaves a sour taste in my mouth... at least in this fic. You did an excellent job deconstructing the relationship, whether that was your intent or not.

Your writing is solid (even though you could probably use a beta for grammar) and your plotting & pacing is excellent. I can tell that you have no plans to return to the land of any time soon, but I really hope you do one day. You have a knack for it. I know it's a pain to keep track of and finish stories (I have the exact same problem - just ask my followers), but if you can get through one as awesome as this...

Anyways, if you come back to fanfiction, you'll make this website just a little bit of a better place. But whether you return or disappear forever, please know that this was one fucking brilliant story.
orinette chapter 3 . 5/16/2013
Mm, I like getting the chance to see the same scene from both their POVs. Very insightful. Buddy's brain freaks me out... though I very much like the regret he feels over losing Mirage.
orinette chapter 2 . 5/15/2013
*Shudder* This is shaping up to be like "Lolita" if Nabokov was really into superheroes. And if the lead were a psychotic ex-villain instead of a milquetoast pedo. And if Lolita were a teen instead of a twelve year old. And if... y'know what? It's only sort of like "Lolita". Still creepy though.

I figured you'd get Tony out of the way somehow, but I didn't guess you'd kill him off. That's a bit dark. But who am I to complain, I'm the one who decided to read a mind-game-based Synlet fic...
orinette chapter 1 . 5/13/2013
And then she got sucked into the creepy yet hypnotic Synletic vortex...
The Last Letter chapter 23 . 2/14/2013
I really loved how you characterized Buddy; you truly flushed out the differences between he and his 'Syndrome' side, even showing through Violet's eyes how the two would mix sometimes. I thought that the difference between the two sides was a very prominent thing and was an excellent choice.
I do with the difference between Violet and Invisigirl would have been showcased a little more; perhaps she should have gone into a battle or something during the story just to give that comparison? Still, the issues that kept cropping up about her morality did help shape the two different sides, even when she was caught in Buddy's plot, she still kept dragging herself out of it, even if it was eventually faded out. I especially liked how you went through phases of Violet being mature and Violet being sixteen. I felt that her being so young was such an important element to the story that it was so enhancing to have her immature moments; it would have taken away from the story if she hadn't and you worked them in so wonderfully that it seemed natural and not overdone.
I really liked the flow of this story as well. It all worked all together. The characters worked through issues without dragging them out. Everything went at a good pace and I felt as though the relationship between Buddy and Violet progressed at a natural rate. And I liked how you gradually let Buddy's thoughts on the plan fall into the story instead of lying it out in one massive paragraph. It made me feel like less of a viewer of the story and more like someone truly involved; I didn't need anything explained to me because I was able to follow the thought processes. That was a truly wonderful feeling to have while reading.
I liked what Tony came to symbolize in the story. I also liked how you used his death to make Violet more accessible to Syndrome rather than just using it to get the character out of the way. The one thing I will say is that I found the scenes with Tony in them rather awkward. The way Violet would shout at the photograph just seemed so out of character. It didn't fit who you wrote her as later. That being said, I thought Tony's final scene - Violet letting him go - was written beautifully. The emotions flowed and it was something that was definitely realistic.
Hats off to you for writing a great story,
Concolor44 chapter 23 . 3/23/2011





HAH! THAT for fate! THAT for evil plans!

God help me, I have to start Nevermore now.

Have I mentioned how incredibly much I love this story? And your skill as Mistress Wordsmyth?

I have?

Well, let me do it again.

YOU RULE. Period.
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