Reviews for Look Away
chinkie chapter 1 . 11/16/2014
Omg this is just too sad. I rarely get really emotional over fanfics but this...this was beautiful!
Nataliebug2 chapter 1 . 5/24/2013
That was amazing. It was so full of emotion and it was just beautiful. Write more please.
Darksknight chapter 1 . 3/14/2013
I'm sickeningly fascinated and disturbingly in love with this story. It's completely lovely, though hauntingly so. One of the best pieces I have ever read.

Thank you.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
Tears are rolling down my face in rivers right now... This was an amazing composition. I absolutely loved it.
Dustii chapter 1 . 8/4/2010
This was so tragic, and so beautiful. Actually brought tears to my eyes... fantastic bit of writing.
FMacCelligan chapter 1 . 3/29/2010
Wow... That was so good and well written, a person can get lost forever it that writing. I honestly don't have any critiques which is highly rare for me. Keep up this great work, you're an awesome writer.
ButterCowLuvr chapter 1 . 3/28/2010
I just simply couldn't read this and not leave a review. A truly melahcholy story. I liked your transitions and how you described the emotions of the characters. I also liked how you gave the story a 'doomed' feeling and dragged out the angst to the very end. It left me quite shocked even though I knew th death was coming.

Heh, I hope that made sense. It's currently two in the morning where I live, so I'm kind of dead. XD

Once again, this was a great story.
CommanderEivlys chapter 1 . 5/1/2009
Beautiful. Tragic. Emotional. This story is so sad. I was crying in the end. You can totally feel their need for each other, and the desperation that comes with the days passing. When you read "three days", you totally want to cry.

This story is stunning. GinRan is awesome but few people can manage to capture the tragic essence of their couple like you do. Awesome work, I look forwards to read another of your GinRan stories.
Tinni chapter 1 . 2/22/2009
You know I read this fic straight after noticing a bit in the opening of the rolling stars opening (episodes 120 and more) where Gin wraps his arms around Rangiku's neck and rests his head on hers. I couldn't tell if he was hugging her or trying to smother her. This fic really made me think of that scene. Poor Rangiku, poor Kira... you would think that ol' Fox-faced would have less people caring so deeply about him. But no! He get's Kira and Rangiku! I mean, Hinamori is just brainwashed and Tosen is such a hypocrate that Komamura's and Hisagi's concern over him feels like self-dillusion. But Kira and Rangiku... I wonder what's going to happen between them and Gin in the manga...
Hanyou Hitokiri chapter 1 . 1/14/2009
That was truly amazing. That's really all I can conjure at the moment. Just...amazing. Everything about it from the agonizing emotion to the shorter stlye patterns with the sentence and paragraph structure totally added to the story and completed it. Amazing!

Black-Inque2002 chapter 1 . 9/21/2008
This was a haunting and mesmerizing piece; I was in tears by the end of it reaching for a Kleenex, which has *never* happened to me before while reading. Your style is simple, yet lyrical and flowing. Just perfectly seamless!

I haven't seen much of Bleach yet, but Gin is by far one of my favorites and I really enjoyed how you constructed his relationship with Rangiku; convoluted, complicated, stormy, yet subtle and sorrowful all at once. It's clear that they really love each other, yet the circumstances in which they find themselves do not allow them to express it in the best or necessarily in the most wise ways.

This deserves way more recognition than it has got, and I will *definitely* be looking forward to more of your awesome work in the future. :)
Manixa chapter 1 . 8/5/2008
Aw, I love this story.

It's one of my favorite ever.

It makes me cry every time I read it but I just can't stop reading it. _
Athensis chapter 1 . 8/4/2008
I was so engrossed in reading that it was only till i came to the last sentence and wiped my eyes then i realised that this is a fanfic not part of the real story lol.. That was an excellent beautifully-written piece, and really gave a depth to the characters and the emotions of it all..

Love your writing and hope that i will be able to look forward to more in future!
teddy326 chapter 1 . 7/22/2008
OMG...words cannot describe this was AMAZING. That's the best I can do, it was AMAZING.
peppermintshoes chapter 1 . 5/12/2008
Sincere, emotional and vaguely creepy, in a tear-at-your-heart kind of way. Beautifully characterised and well written.
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