Reviews for My Perfect Dance
Hestia11 chapter 1 . 1/30/2013
Awwwww... that was great !
LaPaige chapter 1 . 3/2/2009

I can't believe I've not read your HP fics before, Kelly-O. I'm ashamed at myself, for sure. This was awesome. I love how you portray Ginny and Seamus and aww, it's adorable that he took lessons. Thanks a ton for sharing this, it was pretty damn perfect.

-Paige :D
LiveLaughLoveFP chapter 1 . 2/15/2009
Hey, I'd thought I'd go through and read some of your other stories. This one was pretty good. Ginny is kinda shallow though. Really sweet at the end with how Seamus took lessons so he could dance with her. Nice work.
MissNata13 chapter 1 . 1/30/2009
Ah, such a shame this story has so little reviews. I loved it. I've never really imagine Ginny with anybody but Harry or Draco (I know, but it has this Romeo and Juilet feel). As for Seamus and Ginny...they are perfect. I haven't read Harry Potter fics in a long time so this is a breath of fresh air. Everything was so well written that it just made me want to go to a ball and find my Seamus.
Skysong chapter 1 . 5/6/2008
You're a bit of a Seamus/Ginny fan, huh? :P Lol, another good fic, I love one-shots . . .
White-Fool chapter 1 . 3/20/2008
This is so sweet!

I can totally imagine Ginny trying to find that perfect dance!


It's fluffy and cute and perfect!
C. Adrien Cummings chapter 1 . 3/18/2008
Oh my gosh, this is wonderful! :D

Oh, I love it! So cute and sweet and funny and fluffy... just absolutely perfect. It's a new pairing for me, and I LOVE IT!

Thanks so much for sharing this!

~ Adrien