Reviews for Never
The Mills Apocrypha chapter 1 . 9/5/2008
great little fic, short and sweet but you completely manage to portray their relationship. like it a lot.
Sivaroobini Lupin-Black chapter 1 . 3/9/2008
Absolutely LOVED it! You managed to encompass their six-thousand-year-old friendship/relationship perfectly, and I lurve the way you described the Bentley! The sex scene is hot and steamy without being graphic, and all in all, wonderful.
September's Nobara chapter 1 . 3/7/2008
Interesting story; I liked the little peek into each of the characters' viewpoints. Additionally, I found the later half of the story rather tastefully written, and a nicely done end, with adorable little details in the mix. Great work, all in all.

Take care,

~September's Nobara.
YosifaByDedex chapter 1 . 3/7/2008
lime's are always pelted with books. which supposedly will make sense when i read GO. which i will when amory's done with it. :]

amazing, dawling. makes me want to read it that much more. fabby, keep going w/ the series, if ur planning to.

papercuts! haha.
m-erechyn chapter 1 . 3/7/2008
Oh, but imagine what would've happened if Hell had sent Hastur or Ligur. XD

And the Bentley is indeed very sexy :]]

I like the structure of this, though perhaps you could format it to make reading easier? :0

And your scene is so much more T-rated than mine! I mean... come on now. XD

Cya tomorrow