Reviews for Twice in a Lifetime
MarsPilot chapter 2 . 7/8/2011
Had to stop part way to give you a "AWESOME" for Nathan's thoughts on Taggart - "With that, the zoologist wandered off to Café Diem, where Nathan briefly entertained the mental image of him hunting down and killing his pancakes for breakfast."

You just made my night!

ElsaGemma chapter 9 . 5/19/2010
Beautifuly written! I love your Nathan and Jack!
tinypinkmouse chapter 9 . 4/14/2010
I've been aware of this story excisting for quite awhile, but I've always sort of avoided reading it. I guess my reasoning was something like "well they won't end up together, so what's the point?" Not becuase I've ever thought that the one point of a good story is to get characters together, but last time I was reading Eureka fanfic I was so much into the Jack/Nathan thing that I was looking for that sort of get together and stay together sort of story. Happy ever after and such. Today I just happened to be in a suitably melancholy mood to decide, well why not? And finally. Because while I for some reason always go for the light and easy stories first, the ones I actually really enjoy are the ones I try to avoid at first (afraid of the emotions I am).

I was expecting a good story. As many people that seem to have favourited this one it couldn't be anything but good. And since I was expecting good anything less than awesome would probably have had me give it up before finsihing it (as soon as you start having expectations you're setting yourself up for disappointment, isn't that how it usually goes). Oh, but this definitely delivered on the awesomeness.

Maybe the whole relationship did develop a little fast, but you made it completely believable. And utterly sweet. And while obviously the relationship was the main thing, the rest of the plot was rather enjoyable as well. Some stories just make me feel like there's the setting up of the relationship and then everything else happens sort of in the background and only to further the whole getting together of the couple. Feels sort of forced. This story didn't do that and instead everything flowed together sort of naturally. (And sometimes I wonder if my reviews make any sense at all.)

Even knowing how the story had to end, it completely broke my heart. It left me feeling sort of warm and fuzzy and sad all at the same time. And I have all the respect in the world for writing a good ending instead of a happy one (not that the two are mutually exclusive of course). The story was altogether a completely enjoyable read. It managed to be funny, nice and warm in all the right parts, while not forgetting the serious bits. I think it fits with the tone of the series quite well.
Kasha chapter 9 . 7/13/2009
I loved it. You can not possibly understand how much I loved it, but I did. Thank you so much for writting this story it fits in perfectly and I can see it all unfolding this way. You do good work. Thank you again for the story. You did a fantastic job of expressing the characters and I loved Atta. _
klatukatt chapter 1 . 12/30/2008
Someone was reading Going Postal while writing the chapter titles.

Excellent work.
Megamii Pendragon chapter 9 . 12/18/2008
God that's so sad, Nathan loves him so much and yet they couldn't be together. Lets hope in the sequel they are allowed to be together the way they were meant to be.
Teldra chapter 9 . 12/2/2008
Wonderful story!
fire5 chapter 4 . 9/29/2008
I love this story but I was thinking since you have a character named john from the air force why not make a Stargate atlantis cross over with john sheppard as the john nathan knew
Cheska chapter 9 . 9/8/2008
This story broke my heart. Poor Nathan had to go through all that; it must have been painful to spend so many years without Jack. To see him fall in love with Allison, and not him. *sighs*
cluelessromantic chapter 9 . 9/8/2008
That was so beautifully tragic. I really want to just cry now. Poor Nathan, having to watch everything he held dear just slip away like that. It's just too sad! TTTT

It really was a wonderful story though, very well done and I enjoyed reading it.
CryingTearsOfBlood chapter 9 . 8/20/2008
I seriosly almost cried at the end. Poor Nathan! Ccan you please write a sequel?
Guest chapter 9 . 8/11/2008
You've made everything make perfect sense, and this was an absolutely brilliant piece of fanfiction. Just wonderful.
dragon-girl40 chapter 9 . 8/8/2008
you should so do a sequal. this is a great story. this is one of the ones that i feel that i will read over and over again even though the ending made me cry. i love it and would love to see what you do for a sequal.
charleybear chapter 8 . 7/26/2008
wonderful story, real love between the characters.
tinkrbell225 chapter 6 . 7/17/2008
really great story and very well written
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