Reviews for Finding Her Rightful Place
LoveLikeElena chapter 1 . 12/7/2011
Aloha! I really liked this so far! I'm gonna finish reading it later today. But I really liked the beginning of it! You def have the sister's relationship down! You're writing everyone really well! I can't wait for more!
wickedmusicallover095 chapter 1 . 10/10/2011
Are you going to write more? I like this story?
Ollie912 chapter 1 . 2/26/2010
awesome chapter can't wait to
charmed-darkangel chapter 1 . 7/21/2009
Great story! Interesting story line. They were so mean to Prue though, I understand Paige is their sister too but Prue is as well. Poor Paige, Phoebe's "joke" was very mean to her.

I like the idea of the story, keep it up!

Please update as soon as you can... you are continuing the story, right?
FanFictionWontLetMeDeleteThis chapter 1 . 8/14/2008
I really like the story so far, and your other stories, but when are you going to update this one and the rest? I would really like to read the continuation of the stories.

P.S. i tried searching new families, new problems and it doesn't show up?
Blah1004 chapter 1 . 8/13/2008
hey great story! you really should continue !
Stephanie Disney Lover chapter 1 . 6/5/2008
Damn! Poor Paige!
AbsterStories chapter 1 . 5/23/2008
looking good i like whre this is going, poor paige they really did play her bad i would be pretty upset to if i were her.

update soon.
tiamat100 chapter 1 . 5/18/2008
This is great! Poor Paige! And poor Prue, they're being so mean to her! This is amzinG! Please write mroe soon!
MeLaNY8 chapter 1 . 4/3/2008
Hello, i gotta say that the whole idea of this got my instant attention, infact, just the summary made me wanna read it but although you write well you were way out of character at least for me.

I mean phoebe and piper even crying with happiness cause prue's back and the next minute almost hating her, i know they're worried about paige but i just don't see them acting like that and much less with prue, they grow up together, if you lost someone that has been with you all your life and you have the luck to see that person (who love BTW) again, i can almost assure you that you won't treat them like that no matter what.

Well that's all i'm sorry for being a pain...i guess i left pretty clear that i'm prues fan xD, putting aside what i said you did it great so keep the good work!
ReganX chapter 1 . 3/12/2008
An interesting beginning, definitely. I like the idea of Prue getting to visit. Piper and Phoebe trying to push Paige's buttons, and Paige's frustrations with being at odds with her sisters, her feelings of being ganged up on, her insecurity about being a replacement for Prue and her newness to life with siblings were all very well handled.

There are some elements that felt strange, like Prue addressing Paige as her "baby sister", and Phoebe thinking of her as such - on the show, both Piper and Phoebe usually refer to Paige as their sister, without the 'half-' part, so it seems very odd that they would include it when they think of her. "Baby sister" would seem much more natural, both in terms of characterization and the flow of the story.

It also seems kind of weird that Piper and Phoebe have both reacted to Prue's return the way they did; they go from being thrilled to have her back - which makes perfect sense, obviously - but once Paige leaves, they turn on her. I get that they're worried about where Paige has disappeared to, that part was handled really well, and that they're afraid that Paige feels excluded, which she does, but just be careful that it doesn't cross the line; that in their efforts to include Paige, they end up excluding Prue.

Looking forward to an update, and (hopefully) to some angst and eventual sister bonding - although the Golden Gate bridge is hardly going to be a warm place for a chat. :-)
XxMemories4everxX chapter 1 . 3/5/2008
Cant wait till more ;)
charmingbrenda chapter 1 . 3/5/2008
sad...i felt it was very OOC for everybody except for paige...but its just the chapter 1 so im looking forward to read more... i love prue...let them get along well please..
lizardmomma chapter 1 . 3/4/2008
very good start
Minerva67 chapter 1 . 3/4/2008
Great chapter! I hope you update soon!
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