Reviews for Unwanted Love
sterekdrarry chapter 2 . 3/23/2013
Even I have had crushes and I've never gone all, whatever Harry is right now. I like this so far.
Nox-Rufus chapter 17 . 11/20/2012
This is really a great story ! I've read it like 5 times now but I can't help it. I just love it !
Continue the great work
sunneedee chapter 4 . 11/1/2012
Lol this is funny
Daughter of Apollo1217 chapter 17 . 3/14/2012
So sweet! :') I actually cried during ch 16! Sorry I haven't reviewed more of your stories... but all the one's I've read are wonderful! Love you! 3
wally's girlfriend chapter 4 . 1/24/2012
Pfffft as if anyone could fall asleep reading your stories. Goodness you are a brilliant writer. Cannot simply wait to read more which is what I shall do.
HPDMlover4EVER chapter 14 . 8/27/2011
Its kinda creepy but totally cute how Draco turns and knew he was gunna see Harry.
HPDMlover4EVER chapter 9 . 8/27/2011
Holy Fuck! Draco just killed me at the end of the chapter there!

"Watch." Draco ordered. Harry gasped as the boy clambered unto his stick (which managed to stay vertical) and slide down it, then rip of his little Quiddich uniform and wink at Harry. Harry blushed and looked away. "You sick, twisted freak." He said to Draco, ignoring the boy, who was now shaking his hips alluringly in Harry's direction.

"I know! Isn't he smexy!"

"I'M NOT GAY." Harry roared.

"Details, details." Draco waved Harry away. "He's still smexy."

HPDMlover4EVER chapter 8 . 8/27/2011
That was incredibly fucking HOT! WOW! xD
HPDMlover4EVER chapter 7 . 8/27/2011
OHHHH, FLUFFY GOODNESS! I think its safe to say i just adore fluffy :P
HPDMlover4EVER chapter 5 . 8/27/2011
YOUR STORY IS AMAZING SO FAR! I CANT WAIT TO READ THE REST. Also, I think you did an incredible job with the plot, flow, and didn't rush it which a lot of writers tend to do. I'm sure i do that all the time. LOL However, i think i saw a couple of grammar mistakes (one or two) but otherwise, VERY NICE JOB :D
I've Pashed Harry P chapter 17 . 7/3/2010
knaaaw cuites! x
I've Pashed Harry P chapter 7 . 7/2/2010
i actually LOLD so much when i read this

He'd said 'you were so much cuter' but to Harry it sounded a lot more like ' you're beauty shines down on me my darling Harry. I'm not worthy of your love, but I will give you mine. You're everlasting radiance keeps me in awe. I wish you would bask me with your presence always.

hahahahaha it still makes me laugh ohh you are good
blackwhiteroses chapter 17 . 6/19/2010
You know, I've got that saying posted on my wall, because I liked it so much, now I like it even more for the fact it just sounded so right to end this story.

Thank you for giving me another thing to think about when I read that saying.

Amor Vincit Omnia indeed.
Insaneeeeee chapter 17 . 4/13/2010
THAT WAS AMAZING! O.O I read it all in one day and I'm so damn thankful that I've found this story! Last 2 chapters were da best ;] This surely goes to my favs to be re-read again soon! .
schimelle chapter 17 . 11/5/2009
okay so I read this story months ago before I had an account on here and I've spent like the last month trying to find it again. I could not remember the title and it was so frustrating because I was like I have to add this story to my favourites! and I'm so excited coz now I can read it again! Anyway the fact that I'm still thinking about this story months later shows how much I loved it and how hooked on it I was. It was such a great ending. The story was original and interesting. Great characterization. Good plot and pace. Great stuff all round I can't wait to check out your other stuff.
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