Reviews for The Red Tights
chairship chapter 1 . 12/20/2015
Just found this one-shot tonight and I loved it. So on point regarding Chuck's POV, his love of those red tights (Blair), and was exactly what I wished would have happened during that episode!
Spunkalovely chapter 1 . 5/21/2015
This is fantastic and wonderfully written!
rawsunshine chapter 1 . 4/27/2014
wowowowowow! hot hot hot! Fun read :)
ChuckBlair08lover chapter 1 . 3/10/2014
loved this! it was so hot! lol
PeacefullyJos chapter 1 . 1/3/2014
God was this hot.
GoneGirl1234 chapter 1 . 8/12/2012
A fabulous smutty one-shot... basically, exactly what I want to see! Really enjoyable to read as well.

P.S. not too much at all. Just the right amount.
MegamiTenchi chapter 1 . 2/27/2011
This is *so* well written Lynn! Very steamy, and very Chuck! I think we all wish that scene hadn't ended the way it did :( And thanks to you, now it doesn't! Totally adding this to my very picky lists of favorite stories!

Grammar Notes:

*heel not heal _

Youwant me… space please?

When a guy gives oral attentions, I don't think they call it head. That's oral lovings for the male organ, no?

shetold, cranky encoding, lol.

We at Gossip-fic are trying to become better reviewers, for the love of Gossip Girl! lol.
TheVeryLastValkyrie chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
Holy crap.

That is possibly the most raw, romantic piece of smut I have EVER read, and all because of some red tights - which I went out and bought, by the way, after watching this episode. There's such a thin line between lust and love between Chair, always will be, and the inner mechanisms of Chuck's brain as you write them are just fascinating. He's trying to rationalise love; he's trying to rationalise the desire to make her feel loved and wanted by putting her needs above his, trying to explain himself to himself and denying the butterflies (ah, my beloved butterflies). And Blair has a kind of smoky innocence that rounds the whole thing off so beautifully - she still needs to be coaxed with some steps, but on the whole she's bolder, braver and very sexy. They're just so sexy together, sigh, and the way you write them...well, it's dynamite for my Chair loving soul.

broken-paige chapter 1 . 1/26/2011
God, I love it. You are a true genuies! You should write more steamy fics, your amazing T them!
notoutforawalk chapter 1 . 12/19/2010
This story is a favorite of mine, so I've been rereading and I came across a typo (I think) "He pushes his crouchshould be crotch." Those red tights are sexy, as is the canon scene. Your version stays within the characterization I love, but amps up the sexy. Perfect for a quicker picker upper on a down day.
Muggle Minx chapter 1 . 7/29/2010
I love this so much!

Especially since it involves that wonderful, painfully interrupted scene in Hi, Society. I personally think if Nate hadn't come over to her house, they would've had the easier transition towards a real relationship...

Well, I'd like to imagine they would! .
ladykaru chapter 1 . 6/28/2010
Hey. I'm new to the fandom and new to everything Gossip Girl. But I spent the last three days watching season 1 and 2 and part of 3 and I'm really obsessing over this couple and this story and it is so awesome.

And then I find this fic and it is perfect and everything they are on that moment. All their denial on their feelings, his guilt because of Nate and her abandon to Chuck. God, I love this couple and you captured their whole essence with this.
VolturiVixen chapter 1 . 5/16/2010
juicy! i loved it :D very detailed and makes me also wish this were the real deal and that nate didn't walk in XD
RedheadObsession chapter 1 . 1/15/2010
Love love love it!
Maddie chapter 1 . 12/20/2009
awesome awesome AWESOME!
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