Reviews for Silence the Past
Robotboy chapter 23 . 5/1/2015
perfect ending. i loved this!
Robotboy chapter 20 . 5/1/2015
OMG. BE ALIVE. i cant
Robotboy chapter 14 . 4/30/2015
this is Amazing! :) im scared about what will happen when harry remembers tho. but atleast he will still have all these new memories.
Robotboy chapter 8 . 4/28/2015
i cant make up my mind about this story yet.. its original tbh :)
DualWielding chapter 23 . 9/17/2014
I have some mixed feelings about this story. There's a lot to like about it and it kept me interested through the whole fic. Sometimes I felt bad for Harry and Draco, and other times they were adorable. Ginny, of course, was a horrible, pathetic excuse for a person, and I'm fine with that. I'm on the fence about Ron and Hermione. Not sure if I'm supposed to like them or not, but I was always glad when Harry stood up for himself.

Only a couple of minor things bugged me. Mainly that there was an absurd amount of yelling. Everyone seemed to be yelling, shouting and screaming at each other half the time. If these were real people, I wouldn't want to know any of them. I'm also pretty sure that much screaming in a hospital would have attracted Security, or a least a grouchy nurse, telling them to shut the hell up.

The other thing was an excessive use of the word 'smirk,' which is not the same as a smile. At best, it says, 'I'm a smartass.' It means to look smug or conceited or happy about someone else's misfortune, and the fact that Harry and Draco were forever smirking at each other tells me they aren't nice people and they don't like each other at all. I just did a search on the chapter I'm reviewing, the last one, and smirk is used nine times here. So yeah, in case you're still writing, I thought you should know what can detract from the enjoyment of an otherwise good fic.

I really did like the story, though, so I hope you keep it up.
Danny chapter 21 . 9/8/2014
Harry is such an ass that he should just stay with Ginbitch and the other weasel vermin. They deserve each other. Draco can do so much better.
Beth9891 chapter 23 . 6/3/2014
Angsty but in agood way.I already dispise Ginny your story just helped cemet it. I also cried in Cannons epilogue just felt so forced. Wanted to bad harry and Draco's heads together, glad they saw reason in the end!
whatdoessnowbecome chapter 23 . 5/21/2012
What a sweet and cute story. Interesting lapse of amnesia.

Thanks. :)
WeisseHex chapter 12 . 10/19/2011
I think 'Hearing' about what Draco thinks is great. But he is gay, he just doesn't know it yet, hahaha!
WeisseHex chapter 8 . 10/19/2011
I think Draco should have felt somewhat flattered that Harry's worst fear is 'him' being dead. That would mean that Harry cares about him a lot. Draco needs to lighten up!
WeisseHex chapter 7 . 10/19/2011
Good on Harry! And bad on Ginny, the little horny bitch!
WeisseHex chapter 6 . 10/19/2011
I would NOT move back to that house with them! Especially Ginny! Harry will ha-a-a-t-e IT!
Letie chapter 23 . 8/3/2011

I know you must have heard (read) this number of time, but nevertheless I need to say: "It was awesome!".

The last chapter was really well written. I'm not talking about spelling (see my mother language is not english) but about how it was written. I've really felt it - my heart's been feeling the their love all the way in that tent.

It really paid off reading it all the way till the end. First your writting seemed to me a little court but the plot was new for me and enticing.

So thanks for good HP/DM story - I may be 28 old and picky but this "fairy tale" leaves me in good mood and craving for more...
Belle A Lestrange chapter 23 . 4/21/2011
Oh thank goodness I am so glad Ginny got told. She was insufferable and selfish throughout this chapter. I love a good ginny-bashing mwahahaha thank you for writing a wonderful story.
Belle A Lestrange chapter 22 . 4/21/2011
Oh thank goodness he chose Draco!
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