Reviews for Not Good Enough
RedSeraph chapter 1 . 4/10/2008
"Okay, Seph." Zack's tone turned instantaneously to sheepish alarm. "Man, I'm sorry!"

XD ::huggles Zack:: Poor Sephy. :D Good to see some CC stuff!
Crystal Rose of Pollux chapter 1 . 4/9/2008
Aww, this was another great friendship piece!

Poor Seph... but he can always count on Zack trying to cheer him up! LOL at the "What did you call me?" line! And at the feeling of amusement!

Great work!
kori hime chapter 1 . 4/2/2008
Aw, cute. Poor Sephy-chan. Very nicely written.
Chibi Cheesecake chapter 1 . 2/22/2008
Oh my gosh, I think I'm gonna cry when I get to this part of the game too. XD; I think I might just cry once a chapter! But the fact that Seph just plain doesn't understand what happened between him and his best friends is what's so heartbreaking, and you captured it really well. I think CC does an amazing job of showing a Seph that's more human than we've ever seen before.

...Speaking of Seph, that nickname bit was priceless and totally Zack. Aww.

And wow, I've been sitting on the computer much too long. XD;
NoBuddy chapter 1 . 2/16/2008
Yes, I thought myself that they had to have the same blood type for both Angeal and Sephiroth be willing to offer theirs to Genesis and that obviously the Jenova cells must have made the difference. Though Hollander was wrong, wasn't he, as long as it proved further on that Genesis needed pure Jenova cells to stop his deterioration and Sephiroth had them in the first place.

Sephiroth's anguish and helplessness over not being able to help one of his best friends despite all of his power and knowledge is heart-wrenching.
Weasel-Silver24 chapter 1 . 2/16/2008
Interesting little piece, you are a very talented writter. I have heard of Final Fantasy games, never played any though... I admire your style of writting, and I also been writtng stories as well. You are very welcome to visit my Fan Fiction site, just click on the name. Weasel_Silver24
Kazaam chapter 1 . 2/14/2008
Aw, I feel really sorry for Seph, not being able to help his friends, and being unsure about what was going on. And having to face the possibility of fighting Genesis is just awful, too.

LOL. I love the part where Zack first calls him Seph! I always wondered how that happened. And I guess once he said the nickname aloud, it makes it difficult to stop. XD It was really touching, though, how Zack wants to be there to help him, and that Seph's glad he's there.
Jediempress chapter 1 . 2/14/2008
I like the thought train here. I felt so bad at that little scene. Seph seemed so confused.

This game has only made me love Sephiroth all the more.
pangpond chapter 1 . 2/14/2008
Oh..I like it,good job v I ever think about Sephiroth blood type either but I think Genesis and Angeal don't have the same bloodtype with Seph..umm,maybe their bloodtype is different from normal man because they ever have shower in mako tank or have Jenova's cell but their blood not pure with Jenova's cell like Sephiroth,that make Seph can't give the blood to help the same case with Seph is Aerith,I don't think she has normal bloodtype nither because she is the half Cetra...well,it's just personal idea of mind and sorry if my sentence or gramma is wrong,my English is not good "