Reviews for The Bed By the Door
Jenjoremy chapter 1 . 7/29/2018
Oh, that was fantastic. I was convinced Sam was Stanford for the first half of the story. I was as surprised as Dean when he showed up at the door. Poor Sam having to walk back to town! I loved Sam being so gentle and patient as he took care of Dean's physical injuries. Great story.
LunaBianca chapter 1 . 2/20/2016
Laughs and sadness, a pleasant mix. ;)
NoilyPrat chapter 1 . 1/4/2015
wow, to get the last couple of years knocked out of his skull ... Dean would've LOVED having Sam around, but couldn't quite believe Sam was there. Definitely seeing this happen.

Loved the fact he still got 2 beds, even when he was furthest from the door.

Glad Sam found him!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/12/2014
that was funny that he remembered the five dollars. Good job
LilyBolt chapter 1 . 6/19/2013
I absolutely LOVED this one. Wonderful job, like always!
Fi Suki Saki chapter 1 . 4/8/2013
...I'm sorry... I'm lost... *blinked of confusion*

I'm confused now...

oh... whatever...
sapphireswimming chapter 1 . 3/26/2013
Oh wow. This story was really great in that you not only had Dean experiencing the joy of Sam coming back to him again, but Sam was able to actually see it for the first time and help get his brother through the head trauma and case of mistaken supernatural identity. It was sad seeing how little fight there was in Dean against anything that looked like his brother as long as he knew that his brother was gone. Not here. Not part of his life anymore. I love that you wrote it from Dean's perspective and we had no reason to think that Sam was around until he showed up clearly having been part of this for a while. Sam certainly noticed the changes in Dean's habits, though, and the significance in his brother getting two beds even when hunting alone. :'3

The blade was gently tugged from his grasp and dropped on the nightstand instead of plunged into his body, which was always a good sign.- Pffft. Dean's inner monologuing was fantastic. chapter 1 . 9/16/2011
Loved this with concussed and injured Dean forgetting that Sam is back with him and weaving his weary way back to the motel after coming too and realising he had killed the bunyip. Could see it playing out in my mind as Sam returned, wondering why Dean had left him there, only to find his brother totally out of it and unaware - and thinking he was a shapeshifter or something! Perfect Sam taking care of Dean and Dean slowly realising this was his brother. Laughed at the ending, it would be just like Dean to dump his wet towel on the muddy and bloody bed, which being the farthest from the door is now Sam's!

A great read, thanks :)
ILETUDRIVE chapter 1 . 8/10/2011
Ahhhh... the flip side of your other fic The Mourning After, and as usual you got the players focused as they should be. Dean having to do the emo thing to help Sammy realize, while Sam had to focus on logic to get through to Dean.

Samantha V chapter 1 . 5/22/2010
Absolutely love this story! Actually, I'm think I'm going to go back and read it again.
LittleLurker chapter 1 . 11/17/2009
Hi Katalin,

once again you did an amazing job. Thanks so much for the treat.

Had a ridiculously stressful day and this really gave me something nice to think about and calm down. THANK YOU!

Cheers, D.
Whilom chapter 1 . 6/3/2009
So having the beginning with Dean thinking Sam's at school: brilliant. I was just as shocked as Dean to have Sam open the door all explosive. And his line there, about Dean being a "friggin' jerk" was spot-on. And again, seriously, the DETAILS. You're a genius with the details: the word-perfect descriptions of colors and sounds and movements. Also, in a perverse kind of way, I liked how Dean silently freaks when Sam tries to help him with his jeans-it's the level of intimacy that is so often seen between the brothers but would definitely be cause for panic with anyone else; but it shows how much Dean trusts Sam, normally, that Sam would go to do that. Great job!
BlueSea14 chapter 1 . 1/2/2009
It was rather touching to see the brothers interacting while Dean thought that Sam was still at college. At first I thought that this was a fic set during the time Sam was at Stanford, but I like the way it twisted so that wasn't actually the case. Very interesting.

Good job!
Nana56 chapter 1 . 10/7/2008
Not at all surprised that this happened to Dean. Poor guy went through a lot when Sam left and with the kind of lives they lead, it's no wonder. His brain got a little banged up and he forgot "when" he was. Nice he could remember and easily slip back into big brother mode. :D

Beautiful job.
fearlessgoddess2 chapter 1 . 8/19/2008
That was great. Loved the whole Dean-thinking-Sam's-a-shapeshifter thing.
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