Reviews for The Adventurers
lalalalass chapter 1 . 9/20/2017
I really hope you continue the story I'm intrigued on what happens between Elizabeth and Cutler Beckett.I hope they ended up with each so LOVE THEM!
CloudOnTheHorizont chapter 10 . 5/28/2016
IN THIS THE END?! 7 years without updating! Is this the end?! But ... but this stories are great. But I fell in love with Cutler and Elizabeth here. But-
Abandon hope all ye who enter here?
*sound of a heart cracking and breaking*
bookreader98 chapter 10 . 8/7/2011
When I first came across the first story, The Islanders, (Yes, I finished the entire trilogy in one day, no lies, honest.) I was really surprised on how well you write. The style you write things make me laugh, and you make the characters seem so real! I really love how you write and you've managed to make me a small fan of this pairing! Amazing story, hope you update soon. :D
insertweirdandcrazynamehere chapter 10 . 7/11/2011
Your stories are very good, I've read almost all of them but this one is unfortunatly not concluded. I would very much like you to continue please or do you no longer write fanfics in general? Nevertheless, I hope you don't stop writting because I'm sure people enjoy your stories

(and since you wrote these trilogy so to say, it would be great if you finished, so that your work doesn't go to waste)
isen-norden-anonymous chapter 10 . 6/2/2011
I've read The Islanders and The Runaways and I must say that they were very good! I loved them so of course that I had to read this one aswell!

Your writing is awesome and I think that the way you write the characters is just amazing, Will Junior is adorable, and Elizabeth-Beckett banter is addicting!

But I am really sad that it's been years since you last updated... are you going to continue? please let us know...

I know that you probably don't care anymore, after all, it's been years

Well, no matter what this and your other stories are some of the best I've ever read so kudos

(and sorry if I made some mistakes, I'm from Portugal, so...)
Bloodsired chapter 10 . 4/8/2011
Bartering between Beckett and Lizzie is so entertaining and add Jack its amazing! I have to agree with Jack, Beckett and Lizzie are like coupke when their arguing. Well, I hope you continue this story.
ThePirateFangirl chapter 10 . 2/15/2011
I really wish that you would continue with this! I know it's been a couple of years, but still. :)
Anonymous chapter 10 . 5/12/2010
I think you should continue with this! It's a really good story. I haven't read the other instalments but plan to.
RedLikeStarlight chapter 2 . 12/23/2009
Wow. I've only read two chapters, but it's one of the best Pirates fics I've ever read!

You have this writing style that seems as if you're writing a parody on something, but at the same time it's clear that you're not. It's really nice to read. D
kidscanfly chapter 10 . 8/6/2009
UGH! FINALLY I finish all three stories (well, obviously not this one, but you know what I mean). I've just thrown away hours of my time reading all your Backett and Elizabeth fanfiction. The humor is so there. The only qualm I have is that it's sometimes very difficult to picture the characters saying and acting certain ways. But I can live with it :D

Wonderful job. I look forward to the finish product.
cequins chapter 10 . 8/3/2009
“Most ladies would die for a figure like yours, Beckett,”

“Most ladies would die with a figure like mine, Elizabeth,”


“Accuracy would seem like cheating, bilking—nay, letting ourselves down!”

Okay, what? I believe I cry now. XD

Ah, that sincerely helped. That more than made up for a week of boring work! :) Keep it up!
Jennifer Lynn Weston chapter 10 . 7/27/2009
He also had on a thick, black belt that made his waist look slimmer then a supermodel’s... not that they existed.

One of several lines than made be laugh and laugh.

O, cyphers! I get those lines with the rearranged spaces between words- the riddles are trickier. I forsee much fun with this!
Flyingporridge chapter 9 . 7/20/2009
I love Jack the monkey.
Blood red queen chapter 9 . 7/17/2009
Another great chapter, as usual!
Jennifer Lynn Weston chapter 9 . 7/17/2009
I always thought of Beckett as a guy with a monkey on his back. But here's the bit I liked best:

Beckett had little else to do but ... stare at Barbossa’s beard.

Looking forward to the nextish- I'll bet your sonnets are better than you think.
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