Reviews for Silent Tears
Blood Red Kisses chapter 1 . 8/19/2011
Not keen on that ending. Cliffhangers...bah! In my mind, she's had a total breakdown and attempting/committing suicide is completely possible. I'd rather it be an attempt, so Roy and Ed at least get a chance to apologize to her or something...Or see how much stress she's under. This was pretty angsty, though. And it shows a more human side to Riza. Because, after all, she is human and all humans have felt insecure and miserable, so I like seeing this crack in her shield.
me chapter 1 . 8/16/2008

its so... familer..
MoonStarDutchess chapter 1 . 4/2/2008
I hate RoyEdRiza but in this fics case I worship your greatness! *bows down to pickles*
pipecleanerFlowers chapter 1 . 2/8/2008
that was really great. i liked how you described everything, and the pain she felt seemed real too.
DemonRaily chapter 1 . 2/5/2008
soni13 chapter 1 . 2/4/2008
this was so awesome (again!) but so sad! i luv it! i liked how you referred to roy as "Him", it worked well. but you have to finish! i wanna know what happens!
Rivergoddess16 chapter 1 . 2/4/2008
Hey Pickles! I was wondering if you were going to write this!

This is beautifully sad in such a poetic way! -_-, (Just pretend that's a crying face, I suck at making these key board faces)

As 'Fish Mittens' said; you did an amazing job with the emotions! I wish I could pin them down as well as you!

Anywho - I hope you continue! I thought at first that this was a oneshot (it isn't...right?) and I was like: "Ah! Not a cliff-hanger ending!"

Well; I (being such a softy when it comes to characters other then the ones in my own stories...heahea.) think Riza should live, but that's happy-pappy lil' me speaking...And I'm a hypocrite any way.

Awesome work Pickles!


PS. I liked how you repeated 'lie' over and over, using it in different places - very effective!
rizahawkeye28 chapter 1 . 2/4/2008
you are a very depressing person you know that?I like it but you better put up an ending or I will have to come after to keep away from suicide. *hugs*
Currently Unavailable chapter 1 . 2/4/2008
You've captured the spectrum of the emotions so perfectly that I was truly just...Damnit, this story was so good that I simply can't convey it in words.

Let me just say I'm looking forward to the next chapter.