Reviews for Every Time My Heart Beats
NMC chapter 45 . 11/16/2019
Excellent story, and a superb understanding of the characters. It's one of the best takes I read that really fits with the way Lee and Kara continually frak it up between them in spectacular ways but never give up on loving and wanting each other. I think I'll just rec con this as their history in my mind. I'm extremely late to the Battlestar Galactica party but thank you.
CallSignStarbuck5150 chapter 45 . 10/2/2016
aww man... I so wished you were going to continue further into the time they spent on galactica together... I'm kind of disappointed that you didn't I never expected that you were gonna end it with "This seems familiar." I was actually counting the moments until I could read some well memorized dialogue between them with your well written thoughts in between to tie it all together. Boo. But a lovely story nonetheless.
CallSignStarbuck5150 chapter 7 . 10/1/2016
gross. she should always be thinking about Lee Adama. and I find it highly hypocritical that Connelly would be accusing another instuctorr of crossing the red line while he's currently in bed with a cadet. I don't like it. But then, I don't like it when she's in bed with anyone who isn't Lee, so technically I'm biased.
CallSignStarbuck5150 chapter 6 . 10/1/2016
The mystery of the Major revealed! Yaaasss! haha. I love that. Having ready Sirens Kiss and its sequel before this one, it should come as no surprise that I have preconceived notions as far as Hugh Connelly is concerned, but I just have to remind myself that this is a separate and different story. But i do thank you for giving me a, however fictional, answer to the question I ask myself EVERY time I watch Kobol's Last Gleaming Part 1. "Who is this Major that Lee feels the need to throw in Kara's face?!" lol. I still wish so much that the showrunners hadn't made their relationship so damned complicated to the point where they could just say enough is enough and just be together like they obviously wanted to. The writer's could so easily have made them as complicated as they wanted and still found a way to let them be happy. If any two people in the series deserved to be happy with the person they lived, it was these two. It breaks my heart to this day.
CallSignStarbuck5150 chapter 3 . 10/1/2016
So happy to be reading another Jane Fic. Best of the best. I really like this one, as much as Sirens Kiss and Torches of Other Worlds. Who knows? Maybe I'll like this one better.
Guest chapter 45 . 3/31/2016
This is the best academy fic I’ve read about Kara and Lee. Full of insight into their characters. Sharp and angsty. They just come alive for me the same as they did in the show but gives a much more convincing backstory for their love and problems they had being together. This is now canon for me. It is so good I’m going to read your other AU stories now.
Searching for Serenity chapter 45 . 4/10/2015
I truly believe that this story could have been canon, and I like it much better than the series' version of Lee and Kara's first meeting. It's obvious that you put a lot of care and thought into this story. You did an absolutely amazing job of portraying the characters completely spot-on. You created a new part of their universe for us, by showing us life at the academy, and it felt very real and fit very well into the established universe of the series. To top it all off, this story was an emotional roller coaster of a journey that leaves my heart breaking even more for Lee and Kara, knowing how their story will end.

Also, the line "I'm sorry, sir. I didn't realize my date looked that much like a girl. But he is a guy. I'll swear to it." has got to be the funniest line I've ever read in fanfiction, or possibly anywhere!
Guest chapter 45 . 8/24/2014
I like this story so much better than the stupid character bashing retcon backstory we got at the end of the series. I am going on to read your other stories now before I rewatch my series DVDs. For me this is now Kara and Lee's real backstory instead of the canon trainwreck we were given.
Guest chapter 31 . 7/14/2014
This is one of THEE best stories I have ever read. Not just in fanfiction realm. Seriously, one of the best. You are an amazing author your use of description, emotional depth...ah. Amazing. Thank you so much for sharing this. I am half way thru and I am loving this ride
JaneAus10 chapter 45 . 2/1/2014
From the story writer to the guest reviewer who keeps spamming this story with long, ranting, (anonymous) profanity-laced reviews, I am now deleting those that come in so you are wasting your time and energy continuing to write them. This is, after all, a T-rated fanfic that was written nearly 6 years ago about a television show that has been off the air for over 4 years. Though portrayed by actors, Lee and Kara are characters in that television show. Nothing about my portrayal of them (or anyone else’s) is worth letting it elevate your blood pressure to such dangerous levels.

The solution is simple. Please stop reading the story immediately, take a few deep, calming breaths, say ‘ommm’ and move on to one of the “5 zillion stories that are better than this piece of [expletive deleted]”. I’m sure in the nearly 5K worth of BSG stories on the site you can find at least one that portrays a young Kara and Lee at the Academy in a CANON fashion that you believe fits your perception of their personalities.

Or for a quicker fix simply rewatch the series. It’s available on DVD, Hulu and Netflix to name a few. Or perhaps you would like to share with me the name of a story you believe gives us their TRUE canon personalities. I would certainly be interested in reading it since a good example would help me understand your vicious and vitriolic comments about them beginning with the young Academy students I have written.

Finally I’d like to thank you for the last review you wrote although I could have done without the profanity which is why I didn’t approve it to be posted. Comparing my story to those of Stephanie Meyer was obviously meant as a scathing put-down of both of us, but I find myself saying, ‘From your keyboard to God’s ear’. May I one day earn a fraction of what she has from her writing. :-) BTW there’s no ‘s’ on the end of her last name which causes me to question whether you’ve ever read her stories to make an honest evaluation that she is (as you call her) “queen of the mary sues”. But that’s neither here nor there now. Shall we call a truce? You start looking for the BSG story that fulfills your Kara/Lee canon requirements and I’ll return to writing an epilogue to The Torches of Other Worlds. [Insert peace symbol here]. Jane
Alexis80 chapter 1 . 2/1/2014
I started to PM you back but decided to put this out there for everyone to see.

I read this story but don’t think I ever reviewed it since I was just so blown away by the incredible alternate universe you created in Siren’s Kiss and continued in The Torches of Other Worlds which is how I now remember the BSG characters. You have a lot of readers including me who love ALL your stories and love your Lee and Kara in ALL of them including this one. I just tend to stay away from canon-related stories because their fates in the series were so sad and disappointing and made me want to throw things as the television. I also won’t start reading AU if it pairs them with others, especially Kara and Leoben, her sexual abuser and suicide coach.

Those flame reviews attacking this story obviously came from a little troll hiding behind the anonymous guest review. IMO it sounds like a sock puppet’s jealous ranting. As you politely said, he should keep looking for another BSG story more to his liking. Maybe he can find one that fits his hallucination of Lee and Kara so he can swoon and rave like a fanboy. :)

Are we going to get a followup to Torches? I still want to read about the wedding.

Alexis (your favorite fangirl) (:D)
JaneAus10 chapter 1 . 2/1/2014
I welcome all reviews and everyone has a right to his/her opinion. My question is if you find this story so bad and not to your liking, why continue to read it? There are hundreds of BSG stories that I am sure would be more to your liking. Jane
Guest chapter 7 . 2/1/2014
Like I said NOT Kara at all. Kara was extremely closed mouthed about her were things she never told Zack about. Soo one little frak and she got postcoital motor mouth
This tale is AWFUL and getting worse by the paragraph.
Guest chapter 6 . 2/1/2014
I think your observation is way off base. First I dont think Lee is the type that gets "feelings of inadequacy" around women (ANY women)except in your soap opera fic. His cockiness, his confidence were KEY points of his character. Most of the details you've tried to stick in this story are tying to boost kara and make Lee out to be a lot more straight laced than he was. This is another one of those Lee cant resolve his feelings for Kara stories that have not even the slightest basis in canon. Everyone is so OOC here I dont even recognize them. The comment Lee made about the Major had to do with her cheating on Zack. Remember THEY NEVER MET UNTIL KARA WAS WITH ZACK .You also need to mack up your mind with this "story" silly as it is. Kara doesnt give a crap about the rules when it comes to the major but does when it comes to Lee? Where is the logic in that?Anyway I cant stand stories that make Lee out to be some kind of simpering, stuttering, fumbling fool when it comes to women and Kara is the Super Pilot life of the party girl mantrap. AS a soap opera story its ok. As a BSG story it's awful. there are 2 people here named Lee & Kara. Ther jst not the 2 from Battlestar Galactica.
Guest chapter 2 . 2/1/2014
Another writer who hasn't got a clue anout what training it takes to fly. Stop the kara as superwoman nonsense. Try researching flight training and why what you write is absurd.
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