Reviews for Not All Bats Have Fangs
Dillion chapter 2 . 3/14
Do you have any recent work? Other subjects/genres?
Gothic-Angel342 chapter 4 . 3/15/2013
...yes I am random...
Queen Ven chapter 4 . 11/12/2011
wnderful attude to have for your devoted readers there at the end lol
Queen Ven chapter 2 . 11/12/2011
vry nice use of hyperboles but unless her truck is spilting its own atoms i highly duoght any nucuelar explosion comenced jk ur a good author
Queen Ven chapter 1 . 11/12/2011
Such a large contrast to the oringnal, I intend to continue reading not only because it is a rather interesting story but also because i am looking forward to seeing how you manage to pull that contrast off.
KissMeI'mScottish chapter 17 . 2/17/2011
This was an awesome story, but I thought iu had the last chapters written up? I loved how you mixed classic stereotypical vampires with stephanie Meyers, this is literally the best story I have ever read on fanficion and I've got about five hundred on my fav's list and that's me trying to narrow it down! I'm sure a lot of people would love it if you continued the story to it's conclusion
Alicia of the Temptation chapter 8 . 2/7/2011
I'm agreeing with you. Some of the people who read this, I think, don't necessarily understand the fact that a Goth can actually listen to whatever they please (from Death Metal to Rap Music). You actually incomporated more of Bella's personal style from the books (the Literature and the fact that she does listen to "mopey" and "screaming" music, even though she doesn't belong to a label at all.) You also gave Edward a complex, interesting and incredible character change. Twilight's Edward was older, mature and styled to be prim, polished and well-educated. Not that there's anything wrong with that but his music is somewhat boring. Your Edward is the perfect example of a teenaged boy going into the rebel stage.

You made the perfect Bella and Edward.

I am so happy to find this.

You made my day. (An "Emo" Kid's Day)

Thank you.
marukawa chapter 1 . 10/8/2010
not only do Song Fics tick me off to no end, they are against the ToS to begin with. just an fyi here. i'm not a snot that reports things, just be forwarned is all.
crazykatielynne chapter 1 . 7/19/2010
who the song 'MISERY'?
JustaSchmuck chapter 17 . 7/12/2010
o.0 So you're just gonna stop? Like that? -.- Pleeeeease continue! :o
JustaSchmuck chapter 12 . 7/12/2010
Great Job! :D I'm lovin' it. xD

But what made me laugh was a small typo of yours in the beginning... Insteade of shirt, you said, "I nervously tugged at the collar of my black, Thai silk skirt." I had to look at the POV to see that it wasn't Bella on another date with him. x] Lol sorry, it just amused me..


P.S. Further Proof Edward Is GAY! 0.0
bloodyhell95 chapter 17 . 6/10/2010
oh, damn. and i had so many hopes for this. *sigh* oh well. at least i can use my imagination and make up my own plot full of "holy shit" moments and goth confessions.
So1 chapter 17 . 4/18/2010
well thats,i'll get over it by was an awesome story,it shall be missed,all of that good stuff: )you're a great writer,and I love the way you made Bella's character
MyGoldenEyedAdonis chapter 5 . 3/6/2010
yay bella gave edward the spider ring and BTW Mike is the perfect trevor
MyGoldenEyedAdonis chapter 3 . 3/6/2010
it's really like a crossover of twilight and vampire kisses cool is edward an artist
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