Reviews for The colors I see
Altara chapter 1 . 3/26/2008
Wow, wonderful story. I never thought of Near being colorblind, and the way you wrote this was incredible.
Tenshi Maia Kumo chapter 1 . 3/9/2008
your "The colors i see, a Death Note fanfic" story is very good i kinda wish i could write like you but i unfortunately cannot keep myself interested in my writing and it gets forgotten.

i think you should keep up your very good writing


Expo chapter 1 . 2/9/2008
That. Was. Amazing.

Amazingly sad, but still, amazing none the less. I have to admit, I cried. Poor Near...I never really felt sorry for Near before, probably because I never really thought about him being alone besides at the end when I thought, 'Wow, it would suck to be Near, starting with at least an old enemy and an idol, and coming out alone,'

This was very good, but I think that a second chapter would dampen it a little. Thank you for uploading!

Kiddiminroty chapter 1 . 1/31/2008
*sobs uncontrollbly*

That was so sad! Yet so deliciously dark...

Actaully, I think you should end it there. Normally, I wouldn't say such a thing, but that really was a good ending for Near... Poor, poor, broken little Near...

*continues sobbing*