Reviews for Deadly Sins
RPPuzzle chapter 1 . 6/7/2012
Hm this story is rather random, but points out good stuff. Sigh yeah I know too well of the Christian view of homosexuality...bleh. It's strange for me to see you characterize Yukari as not being stupid since I got the vibe from the show that she's a lot like Tomo. Tomo's stupid and does crap at the last minute I thought Yukari was like that and pretends she knows how to teach English when she can't really speak it herself. Darn the gluttonous people who can keep their figure *shakes fist*.
whyNd.Heck chapter 1 . 3/24/2008
Haha awesome and very clever. Yukari might be in all the circles of Dante's Inferno _~
Sir Gimp of Baath chapter 1 . 3/14/2008
Yukari's innocent, I tell you! SHE WAS FRAMED!

Or maybe I'm just biased 'cause I write from her perspective. .
Bloody Violet Heart chapter 1 . 2/28/2008
I wonder, what is the tone you intended for this fanfiction? Is it to critiquize (or however you say that word) in some way?

Honestly, I din't like that last sentence, ("and when she finds herself lying with a woman as with a man") it recalls me of the Bible and how much it loves to judge and say how things are supposed to be.

The story is interesting, but I still question myself about its purpose.
Spaz and Twitch chapter 1 . 1/31/2008 REALLY GOOD.

Not much more I can say, but that it's awsome.

writer-jm chapter 1 . 1/30/2008
Hi SC!

The title sounds pretty serious, ya know. No worries though. It's the content (and possibly the labels) that count!

Very artistically done. Almost like poetry! Wonderful!

Personally, I'm glad about the last one! (no surprise though)

Hard to call it a sin when Yukari loves Minamo though! Hee hee!

See ya next time! I was glad to see how well you can compose!

ShadowNeko13 chapter 1 . 1/27/2008
Hi Again!

Wow... This story was short and very sweet. Using the concept of the deadly sins was a first for me to read. Very unique concept with the age-old YukarixNyamo goodness.. Certainly a great combo. gives 5 pounds of kudos* Keep writin'! O


~Shadow Neko
Berlioz II chapter 1 . 1/26/2008
Heh, that's Yukari, all right. The most hellish person there is.

- Jani
kairi990 chapter 1 . 1/26/2008
Interesting... *strokes chin*
Hallwings chapter 1 . 1/26/2008
Well, Yukari is definitely going to Hell, that's for sure.

Seriously, this is a great shortie. I was wondering, though. Where did you get the idea for all these Yukari-Nyamo fics?
Weener1 chapter 1 . 1/26/2008
Envy, gluttony, avirice, sloth, greed...and lust.

And Nyamo takes it all. Everyone knows a person who conflicts with their own morals, but they love them anyway. So, in my mind at least, it proves that one's brain is not in total control of their emotions.

There is so much more...and Naymo has found that out.

Good job!

Not Yuma Yamano chapter 1 . 1/26/2008
I like how you wrote this! Subtle and kinda love-hate feeling about it.. I never really thought about Yukari with the 7 deadly sins idea, but now that it's put into perspective, it's so obvious that I almost feel stupid for not seeing it sooner xD Actually, it wasn't until I read the author's note that I noticed you used the idea!

And it gives me a bit of pride to think that you might have gotten this idea from my fic. :3 You don't have to admit it 3

And ending it with the lust one always gives it a good kick. :D If you wanted to, you could turn this into a 7-chapter fic, (If you decide to not write a one-shot) and have situations depicted with each of the sins.. Just a thought, though. Can't wait to see more. xD