Reviews for The Phantom Menace Strikes Back
AliceAddams13 chapter 1 . 3/22/2008

that was...strange?
s-burnam chapter 1 . 1/31/2008
and what exacly did they do when they closed the door :S i feel sick but apart from that this is really funny i was laughing my head of and my brother now thinks im weird
Googleeyes chapter 1 . 1/22/2008
Highly amusing, much better than most of the phanbrat parodies popping up recently. I loved the constant joke with the exclamation points. You had some factual errors, however. Raoul is not a count, unless you're counting him inheriting his brother's title after he died, but since it seems like this is taking place within the story, I think that's just a mistake. Also, Buquet was not the ratcatcher, he was a stagehand. Other than that, though, everything seemed fine. Interesting metaphors similies and word usage. God, I sound like an English teacher. Anyway, you were really creative with everything and I loved it. Going on my faves...
sailorsw chapter 1 . 1/22/2008
XD Great story! _