Reviews for Nightmare
Wohitzi chapter 1 . 3/13/2011
This is wonderful - you manage to capture so much in such few words. Part of what makes it so great, I think, is the stark contrast between the fluffy, light-hearted first few drabbles and the very dark, tragic last ones.

I love the dialogue and imagery, too, especially: "His hand lies unmoving next to you, bearing a ring that you personally blessed at his wedding.". Guh. Hits you right in the heart.
Lucretia-Caseyandra chapter 1 . 12/15/2010
Last few were heart-wrenchingly sweet. The other three were hilarious! I was laughing my butt off at Ron and his spiders. ~Caseyandra
Kelsbury chapter 1 . 7/14/2010
Heya :D

I loved it! I was so afraid that Ron was going to die in the last one, I'm so glad that he didn't! Aw, the first one was cute, I love Ron as a dad, I think he'd be great at it :D


HourglassGluedToTheTable chapter 1 . 9/8/2009

Aw :) Very cute.

Great work

Bendleshnitz chapter 1 . 2/18/2009
OMG! I was afraid you were going to "kill" Ron in the last drabble. I'm happy you didn't :)

I loved every little piece of writting! They're really sweet

Ron!Daddy is amazing

"“With a spider…a talking spider.”


“Just saying.”" The 'Just saying' part kills me. I LMAO for like ten minutes in front of my computer while my family was already asleep. It's a phrase that always makes me laugh so hard...I have a soft spot for it I think, LOL

Ella Bridi chapter 1 . 1/23/2008
I love the Daddy!Ron ones!

And the last one... very dark, but very good!
15stars chapter 1 . 1/20/2008
these are so incredible good!

i especially like the first one... i love imagining ron and hermione as parents with their little kids!

also, the last three are great as's rare that i see stories where ron or harry gets hurt, and if i do, it's usually an AU story where they die, which i don't like.

so, after that long rambling, what i'm saying is that i really, really like these drabbles.
lucy2525 chapter 1 . 1/19/2008
i caught myself laughing out loud at one point...

and then i "aw-ed" for the last one...

meaning.. very good!