Reviews for Shadow of a Doubt
Great chapter 63 . 2/2/2015
You know. If we consider 20k stories like cartoon episodes, His Own Worst Enemy would be an 1 hour special, and this would be an awesome movie! Love it! I always thought Shadow was just an interpretation of something that happened to Johnny when alive. But this is a really good one for that shadow. Looking forward to more!
guest chapter 63 . 10/24/2014
shadow his brother jonny 13 human
johnny 13 still has his bad luck powers
inhance to were if johnny does anything related to bad luck it happens to others around him
Ex. walks under ladder person on ladder falls of and paint falls on him
theyoungphoenix chapter 63 . 6/22/2013
Wow! Amazing story! I love it!
Phyllis Joy Wolfe chapter 63 . 3/24/2012
Phyllis: So, I got on the bus yesterday morning and started reading. I found myself instantly swept away in a tidal wave of EPICNESS! that kept me glued until I was waiting for the driving instructor and it started raining on my nook. Right in the middle of chapter 61! WaterElectronicThingyBad, but even then I just ended up using my notebook as a makeshift umbrella.

Bandersnatch: For her nook... not her head... so she could keep reading...

Phyllis: EXACTLY! _ So anywho, I actually wasn't able to get to a computer long enough to finish this until today, so that's kind of why this whole review is condensed into one fairly long summary of what I thought of the last TEN chapters!

I can only hope to do it justice.

Bandersnatch: Oh boy, here we go.

Phyllis: ~deep breath~

Chapter 54, you had me totally going there about Sam. The easily frightened, less logical, mental Phyllis screamed in terror and was convinced then and there that Sam was going to die! Then, Sam struggling against Jiva? WOAH! Sorry Ms. Hyde, you would have heard no squealing because I was too busy HOLDING MY BREATH! Jiva is so HORRRIBLE! You pull off the whole 'manipulation' thing quite well. I love reading anything that gets into what and HOW a person thinks, and the battle of wills there was giving me one heck of a ride!

I almost cheered when she said "Friggin' dweeb". I'd been wondering just how you were going to employ that. _

And then the battle continues! I find it difficult to describe what I felt here. It was just so INTENSE. Mental Phyllis was doing a LOT of screaming, which meant outwardly I was doing a lot of holding my breath since it is typically frowned upon to scream randomly in a public setting.

Spectro's identity? Well, I'd had a feeling, but still, I almost squealed with joy when he and Sombre met up again

And now our favorite couple gets a little clever. I could totally see Danny's face when he was trying to trick Jiva into thinking he was submitting. Jiva is so clueless. I almost feel sorry for her... Nah!

And then Libro! Poor Libro! EEEK!

And now Tucker? And Sam? IS EVERYBODY GOING TO DIE? But wait! Danny has HEALING powers. Yay! NOBODY dies!... right?

And then we've got the P'numbra Parley. Not as much adrenaline, but definitely still INTENSE!

I seriously thought Johnny 13 was going to end up being the Prophesy, despite the various clues as to otherwise.

Bandersnatch: I TOLD you it was ridiculous!

Phyllis: Yeah, but I was kind of afraid she was going to make it Danny, which I think would have been a bit difficult since he can't even breath properly there.

By the way, LOVED seeing Phasma put in his place!

Liked how you gave "The rest of the back-story" in the last chap. _ Especially since I was quite curious about Asara. She's like one of those really awesome older ladies that you just DON'T mess with, and that ROCKS!

The only non-positive thing I think I have to say is, the telepathy seems a bit... well, odd. However, I have come to trust your judgement in giving Danny (Or in this case Sam as well) new powers, even if it does seem strange at times, so I'm sure you will do well implementing it in TrueHeart while still keeping up the danger factor! _ (AKA, no Deus Ex Machina _)

And speaking of TrueHeart, I'll be getting on that one soon. _ For now, I thank you for this wild and entertaining ride and look forward to the next one!

TNT! _
Phyllis Joy Wolfe chapter 53 . 3/22/2012
Phyllis: Today was totally weird, so I only got to read 3 chapters! I am SO bummed! And yet... also excited about what it is I DID get to read. _

Eeep! So Spectro and Danny finally meet eh?

Bandersnatch: Isn't that a spoiler?

Phyllis: No, it's conjecture.

Bandersnatch: And the difference is?

Phyllis: I haven't actually read the next chapter, so I am only making a highly educated GUESS as to what has transpired here.

Bandersnatch: Highly educated? Riiiiight.

Phyllis: ~glare~ Anywho! Things are really rollin' now, which makes me twice as sad I could only read THREE CHAPTERS! I'm so anxious to see how everything comes together, and if I didn't have a driving lesson tomorrow, I would probably stay up the rest of the night to finish.

Bandersnatch: Please don't... I live inside this head. I'd like to see it stay intact!

Phyllis: Awww, aren't you sweet?

It was all sort of ominous when Phasma finally lost it... It disturbed me a bit, but in a good way!

Bandersnatch: Only YOU could be disturbed in a "good way".

Phyllis: Anywho! Gotta load up the rest of those chapters for one glorious bus ride tomorrow! _

Phyllis Joy Wolfe chapter 50 . 3/21/2012
Phyllis: ACK! Fight her Danny! Fight her!

Bandersnatch: ~Irish accent~ Eh? Suddenly concerned for the lad now are ya?

Phyllis: Drop the accent fur face! And I told you, I only wanted to see him IN trouble so he could get OUT of trouble.

Bandersnatch: ~shrug~ Eh, same difference.

Phyllis: Anywho! Wow, Johnny really came through for them. I could hug him, but I don't think Kitty would be pleased.

And I see now what you meant about Jiva. She might have gotten a moment of pity there from me, but she's pretty much eradicated that after this last chapter.

Still terribly curious to see what Spectro is up to, and do Vlad and Spectra come into this at all before the end? Or is that something you had in mind for the next story? _

Bandersnatch: Are you actually asking her to give you a SPOILER?

Phyllis: NO! Merely making conjecture. I would never ask for a spoiler, even if I were dying inside from curiosity.

(Feeble looking mental Phyllis lays on the "ground" vainly reaching toward the light.)

Bandersnatch: Wow... that was weird. How about we never do that again?

Phyllis: I make no promises. _
Phyllis Joy Wolfe chapter 46 . 3/21/2012
Phyllis: Yay for Clockwork! I love it when he "cheats". _

Bandersnatch: You WOULD.

Phyllis: What the HECK does THAT mean?

Bandersnatch: Oh, nothing...

Phyllis: Anyway, one more review after this. I... uh... kind of got carried away again.

Bandersnatch: You can say that again.

Phyllis: I kind of got carried away again.

Bandersnatch: ~facepalms~
Phyllis Joy Wolfe chapter 45 . 3/21/2012
Phyllis: I recovered a bit after this chapter, but you really had me going there. Totally thought Danny was in trouble.

Now, just what is that Spectro up to I wonder?

Bandersnatch: Eh, he's probably evil too and just wants a piece of the pie!

Phyllis: ~Tsk tsk~ Well, aren't WE Mr. Cynical today?

Bandersnatch: NEXT!
Phyllis Joy Wolfe chapter 44 . 3/21/2012
Phyllis: Okay, so I've been gone pretty much all day with little access to the internet which means, sadly, I didn't get to read as much today.

Bandersnatch: You don't think 7 chapters is enough?

Phyllis: Hardly. Anywho, for review number one I provide for you a multimedia recording (Meaning typed) of my mental reaction to this chapter.

Bandersnatch: ~rolls eyes~ Oh, THIS should be good.

(Tiny mental Phyllis kneels inside dark space which is supposedly the inside of her brain looking pale with horror.)

Mental Phyllis: EEEK! NOOOO! They got DANNY! ~dies~

Bandersnatch: Gee, dramatic much?

Phyllis: It's how I felt on the INSIDE!

Bandersnatch: Well, you know in the-

Phyllis: RESTRAIN YOURSELF! Fuzz brained plot spoiler...

Bandersnatch: Wow, fine! I'll be over here when you calm down Ms. Sugar buzz.

Phyllis: ~whining~ It's not my fault my health nut friend bought me a buckeye shake!

~perks back up~ Anyway! Loved the description in this chapter. I nearly shuddered a couple times. I could almost feel what you were describing. Of course, it helped that I was reading it outside and the weather was about 89 up here today, so it's already hotter than usual. lol.

And now, bring on the next review!
Phyllis Joy Wolfe chapter 43 . 3/20/2012
Phyllis: So AH! I read again all day!

Bandersnatch: When she wasn't working of course.

Phyllis: Naturally... And watching my Baby sis' kick evil's BUTT!

Bandersnatch: Um, Vlad's?

Phyllis: NO! Girahim and Demise! Weren't you watching?

Bandersnatch: You mean the dude with the super weirdo hair?

Phyllis: ~gasp~ You just said 'dude'!

Bandersnatch: Uh, what of it?


Bandersnatch: What? Nooooooo!

Phyllis: Eh, I'm sure it'll wear off eventually, but that reminds me! I was doing a REVIEW!

Bandersnatch: Great job Sherlock...

Phyllis: Anyway, the third riddle had me totally befuddled at the first stanza, but I could figure out the second meant a hospital. It wasn't until they figured out that the first referred to Amity Park that it all came together. On the bus of course... meaning I said, out loud "Oh you've GOT to be kidding me!" and Mr. Chatterbox, Mr. Glasses, Ms. Book, and the Dulcimer lady (Yeah, I give nicknames to the bus regulars) all looked at me, and I had to explain that I really actually had no idea what they had been talking about.

Bandersnatch: And now you're rambling again.

Phyllis: Truephan says she doesn't mind.

Bandersnatch: Well I DO! I'd like to go to bed sometime tonight!

Phyllis: ~pout~ So totally caught me off guard with the Ombre reveal! I never would have guessed in a MILLION years! I've got an even better picture of him now. Funny about Spectra though. I'd been bouncing around in my head the idea that she COULD be a Spectre, but I had no idea you would actually go there. I had a feeling though when Shadow, erm, Sombre, mentioned "her"

This is going to sound horrible, but I am really anxious to find out just what effect Jiva's rays will have on Danny.

Bandersnatch: That IS horrible!

Phyllis: But it's been GNAWING at me! Hints here and there. I NEED CLOSURE!

And I'm also worried about Johnny 13.

Bandersnatch: Oh sure, you want to see Danny IN trouble, but you want Johnny out of it.

Phyllis: No, I want to see Danny in BIG trouble so he can finally get out of trouble. I just don't like seeing Johnny so down on himself. It's sad!

Anywho! So much to read, SO little time! _ Eager to see how you tie everything together! _

Phyllis Joy Wolfe chapter 22 . 3/19/2012
Phyllis: Eek! How can I only be one third of the way through this story? Seems like I've been reading FOREVER!

Bandersnatch: That's because you pretty much HAVE BEEN!

Phyllis: Oh, aah yes. I suppose aside from trying to catch up with Baby sis in Skyward Sword (we're almost in a sort of competition) Finally getting Baby sis to watch a couple of Danny Phantom episodes with me (I couldn't believe I'd never shown her 'Doctor's Disorders' the way Lil' sis and I quote Bertrand's "We'll go with that!" so much) I suppose I HAVE been reading all day... on my nook... meaning I haven't actually REVIEWED 'till now!

Bandersnatch: You should be ashamed!

Phyllis: ~hangs head in despair~ I am... BUT IT'S SO GOOD! I couldn't stop! (Until Step-Dad got home from work of course, signaling dinner-making time.)

So anyway, HERE. WE. GO!

I'm beginning to think maybe Jiva isn't a completely horrible person, erm, spectre. Just in need of a good 'kick in the pants' to quote a certain Grandpa Joe.

Bandersnatch: And maybe a good smack to the face as well.

Phyllis: hmm, perhaps. In any case, like seeing Johnny's more rational side here. But OH! I am so scared for Danny! Jiva's so determined to get her hooks in 'im and Sam is going to be very unhappy I'm sure, whatever it is that she's actually going to do!

I have to admit to you, I was a bit unsure at first about you keeping Danny's parents in the loop about everything, but you've pulled it off so well!

Ah yes, and forgive me, but I seem to be bouncing a bit unchronologically here-

Bandersnatch: After four thin-mints, a large mug of chai hot-chocolate, two glasses of Sprite and two sheets of chocolate graham cracker, I'm hardly surprised...

Phyllis: ~glare~ Anyway, I totally busted a gut reading the ghost-gabber's translation, and I just had to share it with Baby sis who shared my mirth and, like me, easily figured out which ghost it was. (And after seeing so few episodes of the series too... I am proud _)

I'm afraid if I go on anymore about this I'll just end up rambling!

Bandersnatch: And this would be different than now in what way?

Phyllis: Oh would you hush? Anywho! I am deeply intrigued, which reminds me! I have work tomorrow, so I need to get started copying down more chapters to save onto my Nook! SQUEE!

Bandersnatch: Ugh! Y'know Phyllis, occasionally I fantasize about asking Truephan to trade out muses.

Phyllis: Really? O.O

Bandersnatch: You know why I don't?

Phyllis: ... 'cuz you love me, and you know Truephan would probably never give up Ms. Hyde?

Bandersnatch: No... because it scares me to death to think of what would happen if Ms. Hyde were your muse instead of ME!

Phyllis: ;-_- ~sigh~ He does have a point though. Our respective muses seem to hold rather opposite roles. Bandersnatch keeps me sane and semi-focused, while Ms. Hyde seems to drag you around quite a bit... I don't think I should like to be dragged around... Heaven knows what might happen to Abigail...

Anywho! TNT! (Which is my condensed version of 'Till next time! _)
Phyllis Joy Wolfe chapter 16 . 3/18/2012
Wow, Jiva must've had one nightmare of a mother to turn out like THAT! I mean, her father's pretty bad, but JIVA! Eek!

Yeah, I said only one. Heh, we know how that goes. Anywho, I should get to bed for real this time!


Phyllis Joy Wolfe chapter 15 . 3/18/2012
Thought I'd go for at least one chapter before heading to bed. _

Clever use of the riddle. I wouldn't have thought of it. Glad to see Danny and Sam getting along, although I'm guessing their own troubles aren't over with quite yet.

By the by, you mentioned not being good with angst and, well, I'd like to say that I totally disagree. For me, tension between characters is the best bit of a story, and this is very well executed!

Tnt! ('Till next time)

Phyllis Joy Wolfe chapter 14 . 3/18/2012
Phyllis: Ah, forgive me, it seems I rushed all the way through chapter 14 rather than 12.

Bandersnatch: Yeah, actually, it was kind of scary. You just kept sitting there on the bus with your eyes glued to you nook, laughing and gasping at random moments. And then there was that moment where you suddenly looked up in the middle of the parking lot and said "Nuh-UH, no way! NUH-UH!"

Phyllis: Ah yes, that was the "Vance Masters" bit...

In any case, you're doing a stellar job, and I like what you're doing with Jiva. Can't wait to see EXACTLY what you're going to do with Jiva, or how Johnny 13 and his shadow are involved in all this. As we said before, Bandersnatch and I believe Danny's actions have a lot to do with the shadow's effects on him, and I have a feeling Sam's really going to have to pull him out of something dire! Also, I am very curious to find out exactly why Sam has such a dampening affect on Jiva's abilities, and just how "Masters" is going to come into play.

Till next time!
Phyllis Joy Wolfe chapter 6 . 3/18/2012
Phyllis: Hmm, well it LOOKS like they're about to work things out, but given the chapter's beginning I've a feeling it's not to be so.

Bandersnatch: But-

Phyllis: REFLECTING THE MOMENT! Seriously, do I have to put a spoiler-related restraining order on you?

Bandersnatch: Oh please, nobody actually reads other people's reviews.

Phyllis: I do...

Bandersnatch: That's because you, my dear author, are strange.

Phyllis: Why thank you. _

Anyway, the ending definitely had me laughing out loud. The two girls in front of me looked very confused. _ Also, totally thought you'd killed Grandma for a moment there. I was not happy. Bandersnatch cried.

Bandersnatch: DID NOT!

Phyllis: ~snicker~
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