Reviews for Lions and Tigers And—What…Housepets? OhMy!
Lestat's Violinist chapter 2 . 12/15/2010
This is amazing! POOR DEAN AND SAMMY!
silverwolf1144 chapter 2 . 12/8/2009
Like your Story! cant wait for more..-
L5472 chapter 2 . 8/9/2008
LMAO! Oh Dean and Sammy..infamous hunters being tortured by...wait for! LOL
anonymous chapter 2 . 2/6/2008
Loved it! Certainly makes life as a housepet, especially with kids, seem far less sweet! Poor things.
skag trendy chapter 2 . 2/6/2008


I, still can't stop...ahahahahaha!...

Getting funny looks from my colleagues now.

Bloody good chapter.

Kind regards,


Poaetpainter chapter 2 . 2/5/2008
Midnight Club chapter 2 . 2/5/2008
OMG! This story is so adorable! I love it. Good job!
supernaturalsammy67 chapter 2 . 2/5/2008
it made him feel kind of like Freddie Krueger—if Freddie had no thumbs, that was.

hahahah lol hun and meow mix commercial hahahha-good one hun


great originaltity

you got like the BEST humour heheh x

lol hun x

lol-cats couldn't quite smirk but he did his best. He was a one of a kind cat.-i can se your deany smirking and looking all smug right now hehe lol x

lol hun, is kimmy the 8 yr old twins, you babysat ehex

lol yyayayaysy you used it! lol

eaten alive by angry frog and mice spirits!- haha aw and you credited, hun...*HUGS* hehe x

hahahahahahahahahahaha lol, buns of steel- hahahahahha

lol, thats amazing hehe x

hhe aw hun thank for great cred x you so deserve a dean cat lol, the real dean as your cat hehe


he still lurrves that impala, hehe grest chappy hun x
GirlWhoLovesJensen chapter 1 . 1/19/2008
Oh my Jesus

I think I will laugh myself to death now

Excuse me while I stop breathing.
skag trendy chapter 1 . 1/18/2008
I think I just peed myself. Oh dear. And in the work place too!

A bloody good laugh mate and I can't wait for the next part.

Dean as a cat...I can see it actually. That works for me.

You're on to a real cracker of a story here!

Kind regards,

Amy chapter 1 . 1/17/2008
Lol, oh man this is good. Dean is using his way of knowing people to his advantage as a cat.

Dean was eating, Sarah, the girl that had brought them home always left out a nice treat for each of them and Dean had quickly realized that if he ate his early, her little sister would give him another nice treat.

Classic Dean tactic. And fluffy? Lmao. Poor Sam. The little one has adopted him as her 'baby' hehe. Princess Sammy. Oh dear... I can't wait to see where this goes.
anonymous chapter 1 . 1/17/2008
This is HYSTERICAL! Dean called Fluffy, Sam forced to wear doll clothes, and both of their reactions to it is bloody PRICELESS! And you got it right, Dean would definitely be a cat and Sam would be a dog. Can't wait to see more. Sam in doll clothes as a toy dog kills me, but make sure there's some kitty Dean in there too. (By the way I assume by teenage for Sarah you mean 18 or 19 right? I was thinking younger at first but then when Dean talked about hooking up with her again when human I realized she must be a lot older cause even Dean's not that bad.) ( Oh and just one FYI its opposable thumbs not pose-able. )
snarkNsass chapter 1 . 1/17/2008
Too funny. Yes, Dean and cats both operate on the pleasure principle (receiving not giving). I love princess Sammy. I almost choked laughing (this was at work). Why do I always read the crackfics at work? people think I'm crazy. Can't wait for ch. 2.
supernaturalsammy67 chapter 1 . 1/17/2008



hun, i can't breath this fic made me laugh so much lol, my own cat started staring at me half way through and i couldn't get the idea it could be Dean outta my head hahahahah aw hun our amazing at crack lol, LOVED IT!

hahaha great first part hun, i fell off me chair laughing lol x thanks for the great cheer up lol

your seriously talented hun, this fic is AMAZING!

can't wait for more but take your time, no pressure to update any fic x

love ya hun ththhehehehehe thanks x