Reviews for A Blessing and A Curse
DawnnsGrace chapter 63 . 6/5
Welcome back.
darklady919 chapter 63 . 5/23
Hey Quetzal! Glad to hear you are doing well :) Thanks for the update!
Parselmaster chapter 63 . 5/23
Wow...! You are back! Welcome back! And welcome to the ADHD club.

I certainly enjoyed this new chapter, but I find myself in a position where I need to re-read this and its prior story to regain the tension. That should be fun. Thank you for writing!
ryokocsi chapter 63 . 5/22
Can you please reupload chapter 63? it’s currently unreadable...
AquaJinx chapter 62 . 10/25/2017
Took me like, four days to read this whole story, and it ends i R?!
So annoying '-'
Gazer chapter 62 . 10/18/2017
Oh, I am so happy this story is being continued. I truly it and it's predecessor. It will be exciting to see where you take it now.
Khalthar chapter 62 . 10/17/2017
Still here, still reading. And now we get to see what a former human can do when she comes UNGLUED!
Parselmaster chapter 62 . 10/17/2017
Glad to see you back, even if it's for a small while. Been hoping to see this finished. :D. You know, the 10 year anniversary of this story is coming up next year.

More evidence of machinations, dark intentions, and a small dash of positivity followed by, Of course, a cliffhanger. I enjoyed it, but I think I need to re-read your works to ensure that I didn't miss anything from this chapter. Thanks!
Guest chapter 3 . 9/6/2017
i never read any of your other stories, so when i started with this one, i didnt know it was a sequel. i was drawn to the fact that you start the story with a human who has just turned cybertronian and leave us to figure out what happened.
WitchWolf chapter 61 . 6/14/2014
Well, this was the most pleasent surprise today. Yes, short, but sweet nonetheless. I'm very happy to see that the big break between the postings did nothing to your writing style: it's still as great as I grew to expect from you, everyone's very much in character and this picks up right where it left off. Looking forward to the next installment!

On which note, I do hope we'll get to see Rumble and Frnezy again soon. I miss those two pests.
Archaeopteryx Feather chapter 12 . 7/3/2013
Wow, updated last month?

So there I was, discussing the dreaded "human becomes a TF" storyline with my friend, who pointed out that not all human-becomes-a-TF stories are bad, a point which I was forced to concede, mainly when I remembered your story, which I had read several years ago. I gave her a link, and have been happily rereading this two-parter ever since. :)

My favorite parts so far:
- You make the Decepticons realistic! They aren't total savage brutes, not even the Combaticons or Stunticons. They are thinking machine. Megatron is actually an intelligent and believable character, ditto Screamer, etc.
- The Autobots are a real threat.
- You did good with Erica's psychology. :) It was believable how she came to like the Decepticons, and how the Decepticons came to appreciate her. Most human-joins-the-Decepticon stories come across as really forced, but not this one.
- Erica isn't a wimp or anything. She's not perfect either. Definitely not a Sue! Even as Stormvolt, you kept her balance of powers right, not making her superpowered or anything like that. But definitely still cool abilities.

I wasn't going to leave a review since I thought you'd been out of fandom for eons, but I guess I will since you popped back up. Thanks for a great read! I'm going to be enjoying all 59 chapters of this! ;D
Auto Cerebral Star chapter 24 . 6/11/2013
Ah! I'm so glad Erica/Stormvolt finally knows the truth. It's just been nagging me forever, you know? Her conversation with Megatron was hilarious, too. That guy's such a smug, manipulative asshole. And yet we love him. ;)
Parselmaster chapter 58 . 4/8/2013
Ah, the little tyke is growing up! Haha.
Parselmaster chapter 57 . 3/24/2013
A pretty optimistic chapter, except for Shockwave.

Perfectly creepy behavior from Megatron... :D
Parselmaster chapter 55 . 2/11/2013
It appears that you are building up the situation. "The calm before the storm," as it were. Megatron is being delightfully complex, and I enjoy the angle. It is not boring to me, and the scenes you write are interesting from a number of different perspectives. Besides, you have not disappointed me with the action scenes you write; even when said scenes have a larger crescendo before the climax.
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