Reviews for thomas
Jei Hua Mae chapter 2 . 4/18/2014
OOOOOH! I liked this a lot! Tom and Diana were so wonderfully deep. If the series had continued for a decent run, I'd like to think that they would have run the gambit, going from not-so-stable partners to rock-solid partners to friends to *close* friends to lovers to marriage. I really appreciated how you touched on so many things with them and made them seem real without beating it to death with a stick. Great job!
SheWroteTheWords chapter 2 . 4/14/2009
whoa! Please tell me you are going to write more of this. It's brilliant! I kept wondering about Tom and Diana when watching the series, but it never happened. I especially expected it to after the episode with April's ability where Tom had to admit to the fantasies. So yeah, this is great. Tom and Diana would probz be good together! Great story! Write more!
SheWroteTheWords chapter 1 . 4/14/2009
This is great!

It's the first 4400 fic I've read. I thoguht since I just uploaded one I should reas some. ANd I'm gladI read this,it's great!
Pinobeer chapter 2 . 11/12/2008
I could write you a lenghty review, but 'beautiful' sums it up. You avoid all imminent clichés, I admire that.
Patricia16 chapter 2 . 9/3/2008
oh please you must update
lily94 chapter 2 . 1/14/2008
Tom and Dianna need to be together!
Pinobeer chapter 1 . 1/6/2008
Needless to say, I absolutely and utterly loved this to bits, which is saying something since everything that's got anything to do with the 4400 just depresses me since the announcement of the cancellation. Regina Spektor is one of my favourite artists at this moment and Samson really is a wonderful song so I liked the fact that you used it as a prelude of some kind. Also, I must say that you outlined the depth of Tom’s feelings dead on by describing, for once, how he doesn’t even want Kyle around if he is to leave. I just wish I was half as prolific as you. You have such clever turns of phrase and you manage wonderful scene crafting. Trust me, you have a future in writing to be sure that goes far beyond writing fanfiction. Thanks for sharing this!
Kaylee716 chapter 2 . 1/6/2008
AKA. Darling Lil' Sista C! Or this case.