Reviews for Primes
Guest chapter 1 . 10/29/2018
EDADTCCNOUA chapter 1 . 5/8/2014
Love this, absolutely wonderful stuff.
Carottal chapter 23 . 1/1/2014
This story was great, you had a magnificent way of dealing with the untold and the unknown. Yous characterisation was very interesting, and you gave every character some importance, not only the usual cast. Martin had me very interested for instance, Acer too. As things are now, Martin still is a bit of a mystery by the way. That Matt had tampered with the records to protect himself from bullies was an easy guess, that Watari was involved wasn't so much.
However, the end was a bit messy and I would have enjoyed an end a bit more conclusive. The whole story was written in a confusing way, because you withdraw information on purpose. It works very well for this kind of story and I think you did a great job. However, I feel that it's good then to really settle things out in the end. I don't exactly know what I wanted. Maybe to see what every one thought of it. Not just the main cast. Martin (because he seemed like an interesting lad), Acer, etc... And what real changes were done? We don't know. We don't even know what Near Mello and Matt felt about everything in hindsight. We understand that they despise Watari in some ways, and that they all are traumatised somehow. But my thought while reading their reaction was: is this all? I would have wanted to know more, because you made it feel as if there were more to things. In the whole fic, every character had his own thoughts, his own reactions, and I loved it about your story. You talked so much about motives, I hoped we'd get to discover all of them at some point. But we don't. Even Watari, I feel there's something missing. Maybe because of the robotic way you made him explain everything. In fact, maybe I wanted more emotions in the end, not robotic actions. It felt as if this was to end the reign of cold logic in Wammy, but the end was the moment that had less feelings. Actions, reactions, that may illustrate the turmoil inside, but no name to put upon it. But maybe it's because this isn't the end of cold logic but the end of games?

I can't help thinking about L saying "Matt was right". The end doesn't call for a winner. It seems they all won or lost but if I had to pick one, it would be Matt. Why? because I have a soft spot for him of course! And because his point was heard. In this battle of pride and intelligence, he was the first one to understand the flaw of Wammy. He was the one who managed to keep true to his own beliefs and the one who in the end had less questioning to do about his own behaviour.

Anyway, I'm not sure how useful this review is, not sure you're on this site any longer but I had to tell you all this, and most of all, to thank you for the awesome story and time I had reading it. Because as much as this chapter makes me feel it could have been way better, the rest was outstanding!
Arysthae chapter 23 . 12/15/2012
So bitterly chilling. I wish there had been a happy ending, but I guess you'd warned us about that! The action, the characters and everyone was brilliantly written. I was actually suspecting a teacher to be the murderer, but you got me there! The portrayal of Wammy's House is harsh, but I think sounds pretty accurate. Well done!
Elizabeth chapter 23 . 6/26/2012
Hi there! So I just finished your story and...i absolutaly loved it! One of the best fanfic. Stories iv probibly ever read! You put so much detail in ur writing its fantastic really!
Ceri Moriarty chapter 23 . 8/15/2011
This was…a very interesting story. I like the characterisations of everybody. The plot was quite suspenseful—I had no idea of the truth until the very end.

Your writing style is lovely. You use metaphor and simile excellently. All in all, a fabulous piece of work. A true masterpiece. I'm very glad that you wrote this, because it was a wonderful read.
Ceri Moriarty chapter 5 . 5/12/2011
Heh heh. You named your stuffy algebra teacher Roderick. (Only a Hetalia fan could get this - Roderick is similar to Roderich, who is very stuffy and uptight. Don't mind me.)

I love Mello's reaction to the chocolate. Awesome story!
Jodles chapter 23 . 5/5/2011

Woah. Wow... Um. That was- uh... I just... Woah. :O

I have no idea what to think, in all honesty. The plot was so confusing but addicting all the same and I kept changing my mind all the way through about who the murderer was. I hated L and Near in this fic - which is strange because I LOVE and ADORE L and Near - but I guess it was a necissary character development to go with the storyline. Or something.

The story itself was amazing and I really liked how deep and intricate the whole Wammy's House system was with all the packs and stuff. I'm starting to think maybe you're a hacker of some kind as well...? :D You're writing style left me on edge with all the cliff hangers. Very good ;)

Keep up the good work. :)
JitteryBat chapter 23 . 11/24/2009
I love this story. I love how it feels canon and how you managed to keep it one step ahead of the reader only giving us enough information to get by.

The twist at the end was great and I liked that L wasn't such an untouchable deity as shown when Ringer gave him a good smack with that towel rail XD.
anon chapter 23 . 11/11/2009
This is absolutely incredible. I read the story in one day - it was great, and I hope you write more!
padsy chapter 23 . 9/29/2009
Yay! Review no. 300! :D

I've read the whole story in one day because I just couldn't stop once I started and I have to tell you how much I LOVED it. The plot is very interesting and almost canonish, the story is very well written. Your characterisation of Near, Matt and L is perfect - just like I imagine them. Even the OCs are great. Just brilliant.
Poison'd chapter 1 . 3/24/2009
I don't think kids, genius or not, speak like that. But then again, I got the comment before that my kids didn't speak like kids in the first story I wrote with children in it. :sigh: When you get older, it's harder to remember what they talk like...

On the other hand, this was an interesting piece. I think my favorite thing was the counting of prime numbers. Although, Matt should realize numbers are words, too. XDD

You did a fairly decent job on this, don't be too hard on yourself. It was definently creative. )
magdilen chapter 23 . 12/2/2008
Wow, this story was incredible - it swept me up and I couldn't stop reading it. I ended up staying up two hours later than I really should have to finish this.

So anyway, I have some questions. Sorry if some of these were answered, and I missed it.

How old are Mello, Matt and Near here? Who's Virgil? Were Acer and Linel working for Wammy, L or both? Why did Acer disband his pack? When Wammy ordered Mello kidnapped, did he also order the psychological torture, or did the kids do that on their own initiative? Where is A and Beyond in this?

Here's my one thing about your Mello. Having twice seen how dangerous competitiveness can be, would your Mello really allow himself to become obsessed with beating Near at all costs, even risking death? I can't quite picture your Mello becoming the Mello we see as an adult in Death Note. Actually, I may like yours better, if this allows him to work with Near and keep from getting killed. Of course, I am crediting a child with an adaults level of maturety and wisdom.
ForeverMATT chapter 23 . 11/15/2008
Hey, great fic. It took me quite some time to read it all, but I'm glad I did.

It was amazing. It puts me and my fics to shame. I adore it.

I'd give more flattering remarks and opinions for it all, but please understand, I'm in a depressed state of turmoil, and my words are failing me. Sorry.

Anyways, I like how you portrayed everyone's character. I never did like Agatha Cook, though. I absolutely love Matt and Mello and Near... I must say that this is one of the few fics that have OCs that don't bother me. I actually liked Acer and Ringer and the others. I didn't get much of a feel for Martin, but that's okay. I loved it.

I like how you had the plot centered around packs. The general idea relates to the brutality of my highschool. I, myself, once took a baseball bat to the head because I wouldn't join up with someone.

That aside, great work.
itachisblackfire chapter 1 . 10/26/2008
Hey, It's Nat from the over-crowded lunch table full of randomness and David Cole.

Anyways, I read this story before, and again, loved it!

I'm adding you to my favourite author's list and everything else. Hopefully you'll update soon :)
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