Reviews for Lily Potter And The Last Wizard
Chanta42 chapter 21 . 5/15/2014
I just finished your story and I had to review.
I totally love the idea and you got me thinking deeply about the issue hoe magical abilities are divided between people and how they have the power to rip families apart, if one child is magical and the other is not.
I also liked how Lily, even though the daughter of Harry Potter, basically a muggle-born, and niece of Hermione Granger, biggest defender of equality in rights, does think that she is superior to muggers (as stated when she first found out about Martin) and that she never met one. The wizarding world is really isolated in that aspect.
I will admit however that I did not think about Andromeda and Teddy at all. When I read the first chapter, in my mind, Voldemort is talking to his mother, who was a squib and wants revenge for all the squibs that were mistreated by their family. But Andromeda's motive makes so much sense and in a way goes even deeper than just revenge. As a child I always marveled upon the possibility to be magical and I used to play Harry Potter with friends. But rereading the series and your story now gives me a totally different feel towards the entire magical world. This just shows how diverse the readers of Harry Potter can be and differently you can interpret the story line.
I really want to thank you for sharing this piece of work and hopefully for getting a lot of us thinking.
Guest chapter 21 . 6/22/2013
This story feels a bit long to me but I do thank you for the info at the end of it !

The Crimson Mage.
Briememory chapter 20 . 6/16/2013
Thank you for putting this up. And no apologies are necessary for taking so long to finish-it was well worth the wait.
Briememory chapter 19 . 6/12/2013
Truly an amazing ending. Well worth the wait.
rih chapter 1 . 6/12/2013
First of all, I can't believe this doesn't have more reviews because it sure deserves them (positive ones all the way). You've managed to create a truly unique and incredibly well thought-through version of the post-epilogue world. I'll have to go back and re-read the whole thing for a more in-depth review, but I can already tell you that I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this and I would simply love to see more.
Oh, and another thing: I accidentally went a few chapters to far and managed to read the part where Harry 'spits out the word 'Andromeda'' and I was still surprised when she turned out to be behind the whole Nihila thing... so yeah since I don't like to think of myself as especially dense I'll say one more thing: in the 30 minutes or so between my stumbling over the end of chapter 15 and me actually arriving there your story managed to absorb me completely, made me live and breathe with the characters and truly forget about everything else.
Zuzanna3 chapter 19 . 6/9/2013
I can't believe it ended! Such an amazing and original story! Im glad I read it!
Guest chapter 17 . 5/13/2013
This story has so many layers and clearly well thought out and I think one of the best stories I've read in a long time. I hope you finish up with and end chapter to wrap it all up.
Briememory chapter 17 . 5/13/2013
Thank you so much for continuing this story. These last three chapters have been incredibly powerful, moving, and touching all at once. They reminded me exactly why I loved this story so much in the first place and made it abundantly clear how much I've missed it. I truly can't wait for the conclusion!
Zuzanna3 chapter 17 . 5/12/2013
This is great but just so sad! I acctually cried when Tonks came back! The thing I don't get is that when Andromeda stepped into the Veil, did she still have the Ortus with her or not? And when she stepped through, did tht destroy the magic or not? I really hope that it's not finished yet! Update soon and please, answer my questions! xx
Zuzanna3 chapter 15 . 4/30/2013
What a great chapter! I've read this story before you updated and I'm really happy you did, but could you please do it more often? I've never suspected Andromeda to be Nihila! Like ever! It made me think about it so much and I'm really wondering who Nihilo really is! What I love about your story is that you can just shock everyone. Like, I've read it and normally I just get a bit bored but this is unpredictable and once you start reading it you can't stop! That's a really good thing, that you can do that! It's unrealistic but realistic at the same time! It's just so good, you believe it! It's stuck in my head now, so PLEASE, update soon! Z3 xx
Chibi-Lill chapter 15 . 4/15/2013
Hello! Just to tell you how much I like your fic! It's very unusual to find stories who are that interesting. I like your characters, both Harry and Lily, and your Hermione is interesting as well. The plot is well found and well written, though I'm not quite sure of how I feel about your Magic Genesis and the almost religious part. Apart from that, I like how you portray the Wizarding World, and how you show new prejudices, etc. I defintely loved the PCR and Gattaca references! I study biology and we're currently in the genetic part. The idea of involving a muggle scientist is brilliant. I often wondered how wizards would react towards science and everything it offers/explains.
I'm so sad Nihila is Andromeda. But after all, I see why you've made that choice. She suffered beyond everything and more than anyone, and she lost everything because of her own family, who was so involved in blood purity. Is Nihilo Ted? I wouldn't like to, but it could be consistent, though Ted didn't appear that extrem in his opinions. Anyway, I hope you'll update soon, thank you for writing! It's a shame you don't have more reviews.
jaythekoala chapter 14 . 9/28/2012
I don't often read stories like this, but this is very good. Please keep writing.
Briememory chapter 14 . 9/25/2011
once again, a very well done chapter. While the mythology was great, and the opening of the chapter with Lucius was awesome, I felt that going to Dumbledore again was a bit of a cop-out. It's your story and your choice, and while it was only a momentary disappointment, it would have been more powerful to get that information from Damath or Slytherin himself and allow Harry to maintain that independence from Dumbledore.
Briememory chapter 13 . 8/6/2011
I'm so glad that you returned to this story. It is the only post-epilogue work I've ever enjoyed, and your story is more engaging than ever. Please continue the good work.
RedCloakedMaiden chapter 13 . 8/6/2011
I really, really liked the reflection bit. Hopefully, the updates come quicker than they did!
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