Reviews for Tears
afternoon rain chapter 1 . 4/20/2014
Oh my dear God. I knew I was in for a hell of a lot of pain, but dammit all.

You took every feel I had and literally broke them into a million pieces.

I love it. I feel as though this is really the kind fic that is needed in the AkutsuDan part of the fandom. You portrayed everyone so well just asdfghjkl;


I noticed some of the drabbles from Sanity is Overated and am literally so glad that you decided to expand on it. Angst, Tragedy and Romance are my favourite genres and Tears has it all.

I really started crying and was like "fuck fuck shit fuck no dammit all no no no no" But alas, the end came, and it was a beautiful one at that.

Thank you /so/ much for writing this heartbreakingly beautiful fic.
remember chapter 1 . 1/12/2014
Oh no ...
BeyondMyReach chapter 1 . 5/9/2013
Chilling, especially the last words. Love how you wrote this in a detached kinda of way, even when we vaguely feel the horror of Dan slowly getting weaker and weaker. Your portrayal of the characters are very good, and I like how there are some extremely long (but not run on) sentences while there are some shorter ones. It really helps with the mood, I think.
Lady Queria chapter 1 . 6/29/2012
Oh. My. Goodness! That was wonderful! I've always kinda watched this obvious pairing in the anime with amusement; but I've never really had a desire to seek out fanfics of them before. Until now!
This was simply, awesome! thank you!
darkdragonalucard chapter 1 . 2/17/2011
i want to cry. dan should never die in fics but i'll say this...this is still a good sad story.
AdieraFire chapter 1 . 5/15/2010
Wow. I was right. I told my friend I was going to end up crying when I first started reading this and I totally ended up reading it.
vaLcRisTkuTsu chapter 1 . 1/8/2010
the story was short, but precise, and you could see that the details were put together in a small number of words. the situation is very good. i love Jin very much, and this fic made me love him more. the way that he wanted to cry but can't was kinda cute.

Nice fic, in all.

I hopre to read your other stories. ))
Wisteria-Child chapter 1 . 4/27/2009
Aw... that was so sad.. . It's rare that I would ever read any fics that are not related to Hyotei, Seigaku, and Rikkai but this one, your fic was just great. The summary was eye catching. Well written! So sad that Dan died and that Akutsu couldn't cry no matter how much he wants to... deep inside, i cried.. T-T

HinodeoftheCovenant chapter 1 . 11/24/2008
Let me just say, wow. Not many things I read can make me cry anymore, but this actually had my eyes starting to tear up. I hope you write more in the future.
Shiawase Iro chapter 1 . 4/30/2008
That was just... indescribable. Thank you, for taking me on that journey into Akutsu's ever-confusing psyche.
Isna chapter 1 . 2/8/2008
I love it. Its such a wonderful story about devotion. Poor Akutsu! having to watch Dan fade away. It's terrible, heart wrenching and beautiful! (haha *insert sadist-ness*)Keep writing!
yesnomaybeso chapter 1 . 2/3/2008
[ This is the first fic in a long, long time that has made me cry. But I loved it. It was so beautiful, really. Akutsu/Dan is a magical pair, and to think of them being separated...*cries some more*

This is a fantastic story. Thank you for writing it

ShinakaStar chapter 1 . 1/26/2008
I love you. You have just written one of the best AkutsuDan fics. Ever. Dan's undying devotion to Akutsu, Akutsu's silent support... It all made for a wonderful fic (even though Dan died * sobs *) and a poignant statement about Akutsu's character.

Please write more AkutsuDan!

Snowy Leopardess chapter 1 . 1/10/2008
TT_TT That was so sad. You did an awsome job. Funny how people can come up with such good fics in times of deppression, huh? ;.;

You did such a well job of capturing his deadness inside, and how you could change him so much without making him OOC.

The end line was so, so powerful.
WIERJSLDKFSNXDKAJS chapter 1 . 12/29/2007
That was absolutely beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes. Wonderful job.
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