Reviews for One Way Trip
Meow chapter 6 . 4/20/2011
Aww, that's sad...

You're an awesome writer! Remember that! :)
tuNGaw-GiRL chapter 6 . 8/6/2009
second story i read with such kind of ending...very unusual, actually, if not refreshing...

loved it, nonetheless..._
BrIdGeT-tsuchi chapter 6 . 5/30/2009
Lovely story! It's nice to read a story with a different plot line. Great Job!
AquaJet chapter 6 . 2/19/2009
I think you make a good point and made a bold move in making a fic that doesn't have a happy ending but you portrayed what it would be like if it was in real life. I think you did an awesome job in proving that point in the form of a story.

AmaterasuFaia chapter 1 . 1/8/2008
This story was really sweet and touching. It's different (in a good way) from the normal fanfics where the people always end up together or something. Keep up the good work.
beanstalk1019 chapter 6 . 12/27/2007
I'll tell you, I'm going to favorite this. It's a funny thing too. It's not that this isn't a get-together story. I like the stories where people get together because it's the opposite of what seems to happen for me. And the story isn't even reflective of my own experiences. I've had several guys that want to date me and even a few kisses, but I've never felt like I was in love. That's the thing. At least she knows that love exists, even if it did break her heart.

That's all so melodramatic, don't you think? I don't know. The girl's experiences just struck a chord with me.

Happy Writing.
lupinlovesme chapter 6 . 12/26/2007
hm i understand your point...i like your story but this is a little abrupt...hnn...
Snickerdoodles4u chapter 6 . 12/26/2007
I quite liked it, even if it wasn't a get together story. I liked this story mainly because the true,honest emotions that the girl felt. You're right, the norms do get a bit tiring after a while. I just wish there was a get together story with a plain non mary-suish girl where the relationship develops, maybe I should write one P
hoshiww chapter 5 . 12/25/2007
Excellent idea, Muteki!

Something away from the normal tennis and tennis-related lifestyle of the tennis regulars.

Keep it rolling. I'm hungery for more!
Anime 166 chapter 4 . 12/24/2007
it was good! update soon please! and while you're at it, can you update In Your Shadow?
Ruffle chapter 4 . 12/24/2007
Muteki-chan, dear, your work always seems to amaze me. The chapters are short and sweet, and while most people seem to detest short chapterse, I think that a long chapter would probably... ruin... this fanfic. Good job! They're all very cute and touching.