Reviews for Ten Things that Go Boom
Guest chapter 1 . 12/29/2016
Siesumi chapter 1 . 12/21/2015
*can't stop smiling*
Ok not how I imagined the story, it was so much better!
This is going on my favorite list :)
Merry Christmas!
roddy chapter 1 . 12/24/2012
Just making my rounds of quality Christmas-themed fanfics and had to stop here. What a well done, funny, all around charming tale. Wish I could right a proper review but I'm rubbish at it so just know you're one of the finest authors I've come across and your winter fics are my personal favorites. Thanks for writing and have a good one.
Anonymph chapter 1 . 5/26/2012
Okay I've read this fic three times now it seems. I can't resist coming back to it, I do agree with your other fans that you should have way more reviews, and I thought it was finally time to step up and write a review of my own. Just in case you haven't figured it out: you are an amazing writer and your stories are always incredibly balanced and leave me both satisfied and craving more. Also awesome title, and I love the Lex Luthor moments.

And Clark's jealous moments. And Bruce becoming Batman with each layer of clothing he sheds (and not just because it makes him sound even steamier).
lucidscreamer chapter 1 . 12/22/2011
Love this. From the interaction between Bruce and Clark to Luthor screaming at the carolers, it's just about perfect. Thanks for a terrific read.
jessicainspace chapter 1 . 6/7/2011
wow, so coming into this fandom i didn't know WHAT exactly to expect (i actually saw this on wonderful Hella's favorites so i thought hey why not?) considering i never thought that these two could make a good pair (pleasantly surprised though). but just WOW, this story is absolute brilliance! how does it have only 9 reviews? i just adored everything about it! the way bruce always had some witty comment to make after clark said something, the natural (very original) creative humor, the believable dialogue- it was just all so perfect! great job setting this up, the plot is very authentic. and as if everything wasn't absolutely amazing, the sexy, steamy, masculine sex comes in. i was blown away at how in-character it all was (too many authors struggle with that but you were superb)! now i just have to read your other stories! once again, bravo! couldn't have executed this any better.
Hella chapter 1 . 12/30/2010
So utterly satisfied right now. Not in a pervy way, just...I read a couple of your other one-shots that were so rife with UST I had myself in a right lather by the end of them both, fearing that if I tried a third and final fic I'd actually explode with the unresolved sexy goodness that is Clark and Bruce.


Then THIS.

The jealousy, Bruce's perceptiveness, the bombs, Clark having NO IDEA what he was talking about (haaah!), the cheese *wiggly fingers*, LEX LUTHOR, the wreath, THAT KISS OH GOD YES, and just everything that you put into this, more or less. Absolutely superb! Why do you only have 8 reviews on this? You deserve hundreds. I would give you hundreds if it would mean anything. :D

Perhaps I'll start a new tradition and read this each Christmas Eve along with watching Love Actually. 3
Musing Scribblings chapter 1 . 12/5/2009
I still love this story. I've reread it a few times now, and finally decided to go dig out my account just to fav it. Marvelous job! I just love how you portrayed the characters.
Saphimire chapter 1 . 9/26/2009
I laughed my head off during this one. Loved it~ :D
Lady Talla-doe chapter 1 . 8/17/2009
-nods- the best way to end a good fic is with Luthor throwing something at someone. A very nice touch.
water kangaroo chapter 1 . 5/18/2009
ah this story is awesome! I love Batman/Superman stories and this one is exceptionally good. I love it when Clark tries to talk to Bruce but he just makes some smart comment or gives the silent treatment. then sex right after makes it perfect D great story!
tmelange chapter 1 . 8/21/2008
This pushed every one of my buttons. Your execution was flawless. Bravo!
BrethlessM chapter 1 . 8/2/2008
Beautifully done - perfect. Thanks.
Resurrection Rite chapter 1 . 2/4/2008
Genious. Absolute genius. I've read your other fics concerning these two, and everyone one of them was brilliant. I hope you write many more like them.
ntc chapter 1 . 12/30/2007
I never thought i'd see the day when i find myself reading a slash fic involving two Marvel superheroes. However, the fact that you were the one who wrote it was enough persuasion for me to give it a try. And i certainly didn't regret reading this fic. if there's anyone who's capable of making a Clark and Bruce pairing fic work without compromising their masculinity, it'd be you :)

on a side note, i thought 'Dick' being the Boy Wonder's real name was a joke until i picked up a Batman graphic novel at the local library just recently. my first reaction was "What the-? How did they come up with these names?" No wonder the poor boy has such self esteem issues.

The part of this Christmas fic that had me guffawing aloud were the scenes where Clark translates most of Bruce's techno babble into a string of 'blabbidy blah blah's and 'doobiewoobbie's. it's pure genius! i mean, you could've tried impressing readers with how much you've researched into bomb-making methods (by regurgitating authentic-sounding jargon from some really questionable websites online), but you chose instead to amuse rather than impress. i, for one, ended up both amused and impressed.

As usual, i absolutely love the dialogues in your fics. you have a wonderful sense of humour, and when you attempt humour in your fics, there're definitely more hits than misses. Also, the dialogue successfully depict the kind of relationship/chemistry the two male leads have with each other.

I hope you write more fics when you have the time. I'm no longer picky now. you can write in whichever fandom you like and i'm sure i'll enjoy reading them all. cheers.