Reviews for Pots
AerinStrifeVII chapter 1 . 8/23/2012
"Useless shithead?" Only Yuffie would be able to call Vincent such a thing and escape unscathed.

And I've always wondered what the FFVII gang's reactions to Magic Pots were... I mean, really, how would you deal with them? LOL

Wonderful Story!
JenesisX chapter 1 . 8/12/2012
Haha, funny! Though I admit I got teary eyed at the end there. Nicely done :)
TA Salmalin chapter 1 . 6/10/2012
Haha, Vincent laughing...that is something I would love to hear. I hope Yuffie appreciated her good fortune! Also, hilarious situation!
Kichi Hisaki chapter 1 . 12/17/2011
Not really sure if this would be considered Yuffentine, but it makes for a GREAT friendship fic.

I'm not normally one to read one-shots, or even ones about these two (I'm NOT a fan of Yuffentine), but I read the title, then I read the summary, then I read the title the summary real fast then read the title one more time, raised a brow, and clicked.

It made ME laugh. I think my favorite part of the story was right at the end, when Yuffie spoke of enacting revenge and Vincent, of all people, got a worried look on his face.

The imagery was funny.

Thanks for the read! :)
Erilin-chan chapter 1 . 9/9/2011
Haha those pots are smart enough! Love Vincents response to her 'genius' idea!
fhclause chapter 1 . 7/13/2010
Sigh...I just wished that THIS did really happen... I wanna listen Vincent laugh too...
The Genesis Awards chapter 1 . 3/3/2010
I am extraordinarily pleased to inform you that your story, Pots, has been nominated for The Genesis Awards Best Humour Category 2010. The Genesis Awards exists to reward the authors of FFVII fanfiction that show a certain standard of grammar and formatting, relevance to canon and characterization. Your story was nominated by NRGburst and passed to the preliminary reading rounds because of the quality your story possesses. On April 15th, the Shortlisting for the Genesis Awards will take place, and on June 15th the final results will be tallied and posted.

If you have any questions or comments, please visit our Fan Fiction Net Profile or The Genesis Awards forum.


Keveh Kins,

Public Relations,

The Genesis Awards
modeoheim chapter 1 . 12/3/2009
That was so funny. XDD

...GIMME ELIXIR! That's gonna be stuck in my head all day, just watch.

"The explosion slammed her off her feet, and she was privy to the very unpleasant experience of being burned, frozen, zapped by lightning, poisoned, and having her blood sucked out of her all at the same time."

Haha, that was my favorite line. That can't be pleasant. xD

Really great job, and congratulations on having this nominated at the Genesis awards! :DD

mallorymallibu chapter 1 . 8/24/2009
vincent laughing?

Humm :)

sounds nice
dingallama chapter 1 . 7/17/2009
*gasps* I believe that Cloud's IQ is quite high, thank you very much!
akeara4 chapter 1 . 3/9/2009
lol i remember how much those damn pots pissed me off and i could definately see that happening.
Forumer chapter 1 . 2/9/2009
Wonderful writing, I would always remember hearing Vincent laugh for the first time as well!
Iseki chapter 1 . 12/3/2008
Wow, I really loved this. Throughout you are just as perplexed by the pots as they are and you can't really tell when the laughing is about to happen, but when it does.. ahah oh poor Yuffie, you just cringe and really feel her pain (and geez, that musta hurt a bit.) It's sweet, really sweet, and the right way to build up to anything else that might happen for these two. :)
koalababay chapter 1 . 12/2/2008
woow! XD

fics hardly ever make me laugh out loud...but i have to say this one did!

that's another plus for me! (the first one was the fact that it was a yuffentine!) ;)

so yeah! great job!

AcidicMilk chapter 1 . 10/5/2008
lol I LOVE this xD poor yuffie xD
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