Reviews for Precious
Guest chapter 15 . 1/22/2015
...I loved this story. And now I love the pairing RoswellxYggdra. And... And... Geez, this entire fic is like a what-could -have-been-but-isnt! The canon is so depressing... Thank u for writing this piece of warm fuzzies and excitement!
Zues Killer Productions chapter 15 . 12/31/2014
This was worth a read. Heck, Nessiah's chapter made me shed a few tears.

What's orai?
Youie - Name of Stars chapter 15 . 11/8/2012
:) awesome...perfect ending. But I would have preferred if the angel said something important to Milanor too...he's my fab character! Awesome fanfiction, even though there's not much Rosary/Roswell and Yggdra/Milanor, I love it! Nessiah is so cute when he's with (what's her name? Celia?) !
Youie - Name of Stars chapter 1 . 11/8/2012
Yay! I caught some Milanor/Yggdra! Nice!
Nice fanfic! :))))$
Measured chapter 2 . 5/28/2009
Aw! Nervous!Younger Durant is adorable!. The whole battling scene was very well written, and her cheering him on was

The second parts were very poignant and felt true to his character. Aw D:

This chapter made me very happy and may turn out to be my favorite, but then I'm biased.
Measured chapter 1 . 5/28/2009
*headdesks* It kind of ate my review, which sucks as it was borderline long BUT OH WELL. Geez.

Anyways, this is cute! All the bandits reactions to her and Yggdra just being like, sweet lunch lady was adorably done. The scene with the stars was intimate without feeling treacly or cliche. Haha, he treats her just like a little sister, 'kiddo' hairruffling and al
Pikanchi chapter 2 . 11/21/2008
Oh gods, I have such a soft spot for Yggdra and Durant. I absolutely love you for writing this beautiful piece. The image of Yggdra being as unattainable as the moon and stars particularly stood out in my mind as well as how it wasn't just Durant's duty that kept him going. It felt so bittersweet at the end, both bound by duty, class, and acceptance.
Celestie chapter 15 . 8/10/2008
I swear...Roswell was in your version of story as-good-as-dead at least two times already, hm? Poor poor guy xD

Which leads me to the fact that you are one of those authors who didn't let anyone die despite of what is canon. In any other series or game I'd have found that...err, idealistic, but Yggdra Union has too cool characters that I'm glad someone, you, did this.

Hm...reading this...I hope I'll understand DSS even better now :D
252nd Crysallis chapter 15 . 6/24/2008
Squee, Riviera references!

Celina's not a canon character, is she?
Mini Nephthys chapter 15 . 5/19/2008
It's finally over now? Hmm, where to begin...

The battle's been referenced in a few of your other works, and it's appropriately awesome now that we're reading it in detail. The bit where everyone surrounds Yggdra was incredible to read. Nessiah kicks so much ass. And Gulcasa and Nessiah again~

...I realize that you had to keep Marietta alive for Dum Spiro Spero's plot, but I really wish she'd died. Grr.

Uh, Celina kind of steals the show in the later parts, but since, again, you needed to keep both Yggdra and co. and Marietta alive, that was kind of necessary.

As I've said before, this was a fantastic read. I enjoyed every single one of the chapters, and your writing is as stunning as ever.
Mini Nephthys chapter 14 . 5/16/2008

I really have no words. Just... Nessiah! And Gulcasa! And Milanor's an idiot, and thank you Kylier for being sensible, and Nessiah and Gulcasa again, and Nessiah's body, and Gulcasa again, and I thought I might cry while reading this.

...wait. W-Wait, this isn't marked as complete. I thought Nessiah's would be the last chapter, but... it isn't? I hope not, this is a terrible note to end the fic on. An incredibly well-written note, but...

*...still wibbling*
Pureauthor chapter 14 . 5/16/2008
Is it just me, or were these last few chapters pumped out in really rapid succession?

Anyway, good work. You seemed to abandon a bit of the ongoing continuity the story had as you progressed (noticeably the subplot with Roswell and Elena), but since that was really tangential to the main focus of the story, it's not a big deal.

While I'm at it, lemme just split this up a little to deal with each of the individual three last chapters.

Kylier - Well, we know she was supposed to die but didn't. It does, however, provide for a good scene where we get to see her bonding with Yggdra, over the humourous case of mistaken affections.

Gulcasa - I'm really at a lost here. Why is Gulcasa even in a series about devotion to Yggdra? The game has never portrayed him as anything but an outright jerk, and any regard he has for Yggdra centres almost entirely around her strength in battle. Not to mention that within the loose continuity you established, you never actually gave any indication that Emilia was alive, although since you jumped from the holy land to the gates of Flarewerk, I guess that's understandable.

Nessiah - Once again, he doesn't seem to fit in thematically. He couldn't care less about Yggdra's existence beyond the fact that she was the one holding Gran Centurio. In fact, I consider this particular scene one of the best written ones I've seen from you, it just doesn't appear to mesh well. Especially since a lot of this centres around Nessiah and Gulcasa's relationship. Yggdra appears, to put it bluntly, like a bit of a third wheel who enters with sterling resolve to fix the world and happens to catch Nessiah's eye (or, well, lack thereof. You know what I mean.) in the process.

I'm familiar enough with your works to know that you often subvert canon in the area of characer death. That's usually not a big deal, even if it's one of my pet peeves (I am a stickler for canon, after all). But I really don't see it working in the context of this particular story. If you'd excised the last two chapters to work as their own, standalone fics, it'd be an excellent piece of work. As it stands, it's a jarring experience for me to see two characters whose relationship with Yggdra is nonexistent (at best) to be in a story about devotion towards the Fantasinian princess.

I hope to see more of your works in the YU section.
Mini Nephthys chapter 13 . 5/13/2008
I was wondering if you were going to do them for Gulcasa and the other 'allies-only-in-Feral's-canon' characters. I'm quite happy to see that this fic isn't over yet~

Gulcasa and Emilia were heartwrenching, and Gulcasa's breakdown was perfectly done. I really have nothing to say about this other than 'D:' and 'that was amazingly written'.

...for a dragon whose return would mean the end of life as we know it, Brongaa has a lot of common sense. Huh.

Nessiah next? Fantastic~!
Mini Nephthys chapter 12 . 5/11/2008
Kylier lives! Gulcasa lives! I should have known you wouldn't let them die, ever.

R.I.P., Al. We knew you well.

I giggled so hard at Kylier's misunderstanding and the little ramble after it. Possibly even more than Yggdra giggled.

“Uh, since I seem to have used up both of my own, you think I can borrow somebody else’s foot to cram in my mouth?” - best line ever~!
Mini Nephthys chapter 11 . 5/10/2008
I'll admit, I don't know much about Gordon other than he's a temporary character. But you've got me liking him. He's such a White Knight type that I can't help it.

This chapter induced more wibbling for Yggdra, and everyone who died, and Roswell and Gordon too. You're really good at inducing wibbling, as I'm sure you know.

Once again, excellent chapter, and I'm sorry about not reviewing as much as I should have. I'll do better in the future!
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