Reviews for Savior of the Blind and Broken
Guest chapter 22 . 2/17/2013
Amazing fic, I can only follow it and hope for a new chapter soon...! v
ChimamireNoBara22 chapter 22 . 12/11/2012! This was an insanely epic fanfic! :D I want to read the sequel sooo bad! I normally wouldn't think to put these two together, as you said, a crack pairing, but it worked out so well _ Plus I love your writing style. The only downside to this fic is that it ended...saddness :( Anywho, Can't wait to read more of your stuff! :D
shadowsspell4792 chapter 20 . 11/4/2012
Every time I re-read the beginning of this chapter, I cry. *cries forever*
Cascade00 chapter 21 . 8/10/2012
You know when I first saw that this was Kisame and Hinata I was like WHAT! I've never read a fanfiction with them being paired! I was so surprise and shocked! At first I wasn't going to read it, cause it seemed kinda arkward but then I thought maybe it'll be interesting? You know try something new. And damn I am so happy it was yours! I just made a 360 and now I just love this pair! I don't know how you did it but you did it!
Warrior of Aces chapter 11 . 8/10/2012
My reaction to the end: *leaning back* "Dafauq? You had Itachi kill Sasuke?"
M chapter 7 . 7/8/2012
I have to admit, KisaHina had never really occurred to me, but this story is very... intriguing.
Taryn Myst chapter 22 . 4/26/2012
Interesting move author, interesting move. I shall inquire more into this pairing as you have piqued my interest. Till next review, ja ne
Spaceguy Lewis chapter 22 . 2/19/2012
...and he couldn't stay dead for at least ONE HUNDRED fricking years? I do not like... However, contiuing from the jackass with duckbutt hair, the overall end was heart warming, and imagining Deidara with the mushiest expression known to man made me laugh my guts out. *snickers*
Spaceguy Lewis chapter 11 . 2/19/2012
WOOHOO! HELL YEAH, THAT IS THE BEST SENTANCE IN THE HISTORY OF SENTANCES! 'he's dead.' love you, love the story, and adore the fact that sasuke is DEAD!
shadowsspell4792 chapter 22 . 2/16/2012
Darn you! Cliffhangers are the worst! Actually, to be honest, I put a few at the end of the story I write... Anyways, BEAUTIFUL story, I felt so anxious to see what happened after every chapter or section, I could feel the story as if I was Hinata herself. Kisame was amazingly written, too. Not the same as in the manga, but not too different; I can imagine him being like this. I really enjoyed your story, keep on writing ;D
shadowsspell4792 chapter 10 . 2/16/2012
Damn you sasuke... I hope you don't tell her T.T I think Kisame is beautiful, but what will Hinata think?
shadowsspell4792 chapter 5 . 2/14/2012
I love the story, You use great descriptive words and I actually like the changed Itachi. He's not as bad as I've read him changed before. Kisame is really cool in this one ;D

Eager to read more!
WhiteLaceLily chapter 22 . 1/29/2012

P.S. Love the story ;)
SuperSerious chapter 22 . 1/5/2012
This story sort of reminded me of Beauty And The Beast.

It has a very unusual paring, but you pulled it off brilliantly!

Its just sad that you killed off Hitomi and her baby. D: Omg how could you?


You made Itachi...scary...Very, very scary. O_O

Peace and Sunshine! :D ~SuperSerious
Nightshade1994 chapter 22 . 10/23/2011
Wow! This is a Amazing Story you written this very well. you really made me like this pairing and i coudn't stop reading it! I really love how you made kisame in your story.I really enjoyed this story Love it! _
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