Reviews for Deluminating
Guest chapter 21 . 8/28
Loved this story and Ron’s abilities!
Hameed Alhilu chapter 21 . 6/26
Incredible story.
hl chapter 21 . 3/19
Guest chapter 1 . 4/13/2019
I never ever reviewed any of your fanfics. I know I will someday. I am not even sure you still read them. The thing is, I'm afraid words won't do justice to what I felt. That's why I did not register myself.

In my Potterhead life, there has been a Pre-Solstice Muse and a Post-Solstice Muse period. You are by far the greatest author on this website.

How can one person have so much imagination ? All these different universes, that's incredible. Yet every single one of them has your touch, this unique touch that I recognize as your world. I would describe it as bright, with a sunny yellow taint, and very warm and colourful. A beach and clouds. Wind. Trying to get off the Earth.

What made you my idol, though, is the characterisation. I have read stories with great plots, well-written... but that had me frustrated, sighing, because I could not find what I had been looking for : new stories for my favorite characters. The first story I read of you was "Upside down fellytoning" and my jaw dropped. He was there. Ron was there. I had found him again. He was just there, at the tip of my fingers and I could almost touch him. I got extremely emotional and excited. You have in you the power to revive the characters I felt in love with, and I'll never thank you enough for that. Especially Ron. My self-sacrificing, funny, passionate, bright, loyal, caring, emotional and insecure Ron. How you managed to have such a deep understanding of all those characters like Dumbledore or Percy before DH I'll never know.

You are the only writer for whom I stayed awake an entire night to read one of your stories (my first night-in ever!). I could not resolve myself to give up the reading of Within these walls. Read it in one go. I was exhausted but it was more than worth it !

The emotions you pulled me through... Oh my god. You broke my heart so many times it's not even funny. I sobbed. I laughed very hard. I laughed through the tears. I got angry. I always wanted to kiss Ron.

There are stories I've read so many times I know them by heart. There are stories I worshipped, but had to take time to get over the sad parts (Within these walls... I've never cried so much for the death of an OC... Danny Prang... I was really angry with you for killing all those people... I don't think I would have forgiven you if you had killed off Tommy.). There are stories I still haven't got come to terms with (Timeless... you know why. YOU KNOW WHY. This goddamn chapter when Ron dies and the horrible, heartwrenching, I-will-never-forgive-you-for-this, irony.). There were stories I liked less (Perspective, Feelings) that are still amazing.

You are also the only writer I have read every single piece of writing I could find and acess to. Me, a passionately convinced Romione shipper, was excited to read Krum/Ron or Kingsley/Ron just because You had written it (!). I have read a story with David Cameron and Nick Clegg just for you, damn it (and sometimes I giggle in class when the two names are uttered together because if they knew what I know about them hehe...).

I'm just glad you exist. You're my Ron-Bible-references. I know all your stories. I love you.

Oh, and Ron is a sexy man. And you made me into an arse woman. It's your fault. I blame you !
headcanonsandmore chapter 21 . 1/28/2019
Loved this series! It's so rare to see fics that accurately portray Ron and Ginny's sibling relationship just right like this! And I loved all the Ron-appreciation in this!
Thank you so much for this fic!
dancetheplanet chapter 21 . 7/22/2018
Wow, this is absolutely amazing! Ginny and Ron both felt very, very real, and their relationship and how it affects everything else is glorious. Let it be known that I'm going to have a really big craving for Ron/Ginny siblingfics that would have to be ignored because there aren't enough such fics in the world.
ReluctantlyBratty45 chapter 20 . 9/8/2017
You never cease to amaze me with your writing. You always nail Ron whenever you write about him. Your stories always leave me in awe. Please never stop gracing us with your amazing writing.
creativesm75 chapter 21 . 10/7/2016
LUNAtic2111 chapter 12 . 2/23/2016
Her mother looked as if she'd just been spun around on the spot very fast and then given a slap with a live eel... I just spend five minutes laughing at that!
Tandy Sandman chapter 21 . 2/8/2016
As usual, fantastic fic. Can't stop reading. Really love the sibling relationship. So brilliantly written with a unique plot. Not a lot of fics out there which are Ron centric and i know I can trust you for a good Ron angst. Please keep up the great work and thank you thank you thank you for all your hard work!
mamita chapter 21 . 5/8/2014
Hello, I liked your fic, I hope you upload soon more chapters, Ron is worth more than you think and think, you think Harry this, Harry that, but never see Ron, not even his family, are fools, here I love Harry's relationship with Ron, because in the end Harry and others have noticed Ron and Ron than it is worth and what he feels, and I'm glad that here has been no heterosexual couples, because I do not like to anything, at least not here, I really like that you put more POVs of others, not just Harry or Ron, but also from Bill or Charlie and the twins, I like to see what they think of Ron, often Pork is Draco, and although I like the relationship of Draco Ron, passed, poor Ron, here Ron is passed, it is true, of all they have done more miserable, Ron I love, but sometimes it happens, Harry is passed also, when it is assumed that these two are inseparable, and very close, I love the slash incest between Ron and his brothers, or if fraternal also, or couples with Harry, where Ron is the submissive, not for nothing, but i like it like that, although it is a shame you did not put the whole lemon, except Ginny, I do not like her, I do not like the straight with Ron, and less if it is with Hermione, hehe, is very silly sometimes the end sought by himself the trouble, but hey, I hope you do more of Ron fics because it's a shame there are not many, still, so thanks and kisses.
kitza chapter 21 . 3/27/2014
Absolutely loved this story to bits!
Auror Ron Alan Weasley chapter 21 . 3/12/2014
it was one of the best stories i have ever read!loved it!please do write more ron fics!
lovemya2000 chapter 18 . 1/25/2014
TroyWeb chapter 1 . 11/6/2013
Great story. I have to add this to my favorites.
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