Reviews for Here's to the Heroes
Ealasaid Una chapter 5 . 2/14/2011
i like this story. please continue. it is good.
Lila Caffee chapter 1 . 5/31/2008
OMG! I wanna be in!

Name: Maddie Rivers

Nickname: Songnote

Preferred Newsie: Racetrack (If not, Les)

Eyes: Sea Blue

Hair: Medium brown, Middle Back

Height: 5'5"

Bodytype: Normal

Personality: Adventurous at times, Brightens any situation via joke, Tries to be tough, Romantic, Loves the Newsies like they're sister

Interests: Music, Reading, Singing, Guitar, Writing, Acting
Shooter O'Brien chapter 5 . 2/20/2008
Aww! I'm so sorry you're not continuing the story. But I totally understand where you're coming from. I never finish stories... I hope you find a spark of inspiration from somewhere because I really liked this story. Maybe it'll be from a PM from muah. Who knows? haha. Good luck and I hope to see it up soon!

papes and pickles.

CCSBandGeek chapter 4 . 11/15/2007
aww i loved that chapter

poor us i'd miss giggle David and I were on a date

I can't wait to see what happens next so write more soon.
Shooter O'Brien chapter 4 . 11/15/2007
Lemme get this straight... Shooter and Skittery are married? :] sweet. lol. And I'm one of the oldest? I'm always one of the youngest, so this is a welcome change of events! Thank you.

This story is very interesting. Reminds me of Club Ten, that one murder fic by Brunnette. Not saying anything, just saying! Don't get mad at me. :]

You updated this really fast too, which is supah awesome! No one updates their stories anymore. Kinda makes me sad. But you seem like you're going to be an updating nazi. yippie! makes me happy. can't wait for the next chapter.

xLittlexItalyx chapter 4 . 11/14/2007
great chapter, and thanx for using my character! update soon!

alex luca chapter 4 . 11/13/2007
Mush and Pyro...I love that! Good chapter! UPDATE! Soon? Pleas?
danc4him chapter 4 . 11/12/2007
wow...very creative
Flick.TheLighter chapter 4 . 11/12/2007
yay! you updated! i'm so happy, you don't even know! lol. this was really good. i feel so bad for everyone. i miss Jack, and i'm not even there...nor is he anyhoo...

i heart my character. and, just fyi, Race might just pop the question sometime in the story...if you want...and can fit it in. idk. but they're REALLY in love. lol. update soon! you've got me on a leash! haha

Newsie at heart,

alex luca chapter 3 . 11/9/2007
YAY! I win...ok not really, but in my world, when your paired with one something! Third chapter and I am hooked! I need more! Yes! Haha, fire...Pyro will have fin with that!
CCSBandGeek chapter 3 . 11/9/2007
great chapters!

i really like how it's a mix of comedey and drama it's nice!

and i get flying powers how cool is that?

Flick.TheLighter chapter 3 . 11/9/2007
YAY! you updated! i can't wait till my character comes in. lol. this is going to be SOO good! lol update soon!

Newsie at heart,

Maddiecake chapter 2 . 11/9/2007
Aww D:

I wish this chapter had been longer, but what can ya do...

Short and sad, though... you did a very good job :]
Maddiecake chapter 1 . 11/8/2007
Lovely chapter :]

I can't wait to see what happens next!

First and last name: Isabel Clark

Nickname: Cheater

Preferred newsie: Crutchy

Basic features (eyes, hair, height, etc.): Cheater is a small girl for fifteen, with curly/frizzy white blonde hair and equally light blue eyes. Her skin is pale, a complete contrast from her brother's, who is dark haired and dark eyed. She has some Italian in her, although that isn't as noticeable because she gets her looks from her father.

Personality: Outgoing and bubbly. She may come across as insane at times, because of her random remarks and odd habits. Cheater got her nickname because she will cheat at anything (mostly poker and whatever other gambling game there is), and hardly ever gets caught. Things don't seem to phase her at all, but they do. It just takes a while for them to fully register.

Any other things about your character you think I could use, such as hobbies, favorite things, etc: Cheater doesn't have an accent. It was, shall we say, beaten out of her at a young age when she attended school, but when she gets angry her proper grammar is forgotten.

Swears like a sailor, and she is up for any sort of game. Knows Italian and while she may act tough, she's awful at fighting and knows it. This is why, when things get rough, she runs.

Flick.TheLighter chapter 1 . 11/7/2007
First and last name: Dani Tate

Nickname: Betchya (SOMETIMES people call her "B" for short). She’s a compulsive gambler/better. She’ll pretty much bet on anything. (Even when there’s no money involved .)

Preferred newsie: Racetrack! i love, love, love him. lol

Basic features: short (chin length) brown hair with honey blonde highlights. When dry, it forms natural ringlets. they aren't small, but big and loopy. when she straightens it, it comes out to about shloulder length. Her eys are light blue, giving her an exotic look. She’s 5'3" and rather skinny, though not completely lacking in curves. her skin complexion is really tan and smooth. both of her ears are peirced twice in the lobe, as is her right cartlidge.

Personality: She's full of sprite (as in joy), and all the tricks she can fit up her sleeve. she's really funny and sarcastic. not all her jokes are truly witty, but the way she tells them make people laugh anyway. She's a good listener, but not very good at giving advice (because she's pretty reckless and sometimes does things without thinking them through). she gets along with pretty much everyone, and most people can't help but smile around her.

Any other things: She has an amazing singing voice, and knows how to clean and stitch closed a wound.

Well, i guess that's all! i'm really glad you decide to put this story up!

Newsie at heart,

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