Reviews for The Day After Valentine's Day
damons-hot-as-hell chapter 1 . 4/26/2012
lols yeah i wish they hadnt skiped it in the show... i love it
HopelessxDreams chapter 1 . 8/2/2011
That was beautiful :3
Kitty in the Box chapter 1 . 11/13/2010
"If curiosity killed cats, it made teenage boys kiss each other." hahahaha! i love that quote. i love your take on this from each one's perspective. i love the valentine scene too. you could feel the passion heating up. and the next morning, it was breakfast time and nao so bothered that hashiba was eating like a normal person. hahahaha!
Elyse Nao-kunHashiba lover chapter 1 . 7/6/2010
LMAO! It would have been so awesome if they had a 'morning after' scene in the Anime, but at least we can imagine what happened. *_*

I thought it was so sexy the way Hashiba described how Nao-kun tasted. Great job, I was smirking the whole time. Hashiba and Nao-kun 4 Ever! _
NotThatWord chapter 1 . 4/15/2010
Man, I was severely disappointed when they didn't have a "morning after" in the anime. This was really good. I don't know what it was like at first but this was really good. I could SEE this happening as I read.
Miss Hal Gibson chapter 1 . 2/19/2010
xD This was hilarious, loved it. xD
Mamaloot chapter 1 . 12/16/2009
I loved this fic! Kudos!
randomyay chapter 1 . 9/23/2009
amazing work! o3o

33 sora and sunao n_n !
fangirl94 chapter 1 . 8/23/2009
haha Wow, love it!
devils address chapter 1 . 8/9/2009
yes hotness updatesoon
run-for-your-life-hikari chapter 1 . 6/11/2009
If curiosity killed cats, it made teenage boys kiss each other.

radical-rebel chapter 1 . 2/27/2009
Nice! I like how you wrote both of their POVs. Very amusing and fun to read. :D
Cloy Jubilee chapter 1 . 1/7/2009
yeah, the picture is obviously hot XD

and your fic is too, good work :)
Fuzzy Eared chapter 1 . 11/7/2008
super cute!
mochiusagi chapter 1 . 10/22/2008
haha I liked the ending!
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