Reviews for The Junkyard
Jeptwin chapter 3 . 4/12/2016
I for one would be interested in a Kurt yaoi since his voice actor if I remember correctly is gay. Plus, Kurt himself acts like it. Even if he doesn't admit it.
jalen.natoli chapter 11 . 6/26/2015
Can you start this up again? Im really loving it
Firestar001 chapter 1 . 1/1/2015
I think you'd return to the drone's HQ. I mean, here's my theory:
Accelerons built both highway 35 and the realms.
In a perfect world the drones wouldn't have taken over HW35.
So should a racer need to eject from a race, they would get sent out of the realm to their "home base".

I don't think the Accelerons counted on holographic projections of the wheel of power.
(As the original wheel was still in HW35).

I hope this makes sense.
dreaddestroy chapter 11 . 3/11/2014
PLEASE continue this, love the story
Anon chapter 11 . 5/10/2012
I hope you plan to continue this story. It's so good.
Lee chapter 9 . 12/15/2011
plus banjee was driving bragging to lani bout how swamp was his turf the the swamp monster grabbed his car & threw it into the water Dan however was driving & RD_L1 knocked him off the track into the fog
Lee chapter 9 . 12/15/2011
WTF this was long but a great chapter but instead of saying alec dosnt wanna talk about getting lost in the realm tell the truth he got lost when a RD_S1 bumped him off the track lightning struck & destroyed his car switchback made i lose all 4 of his wheels
jack fox chapter 1 . 8/5/2011
love the story i hope u will continue it.
Jimmy Candlestick chapter 11 . 7/4/2011
Aw. Poor Vert. Banjee...I love him. And I can totally see Markie gardening!
Apocalypse Survivor chapter 10 . 5/31/2011
Are you continuing this story? It's really good, but you haven't updated in more than five months.
ColdGoldLazarus chapter 10 . 1/13/2011
Very nice way of inserting Agura, and another good chapter!

ooh... looks like things are getting better and better, huh? Can't wait for more!
Amethyst Kitsune chapter 10 . 12/2/2010
oooh! continue story please!
Jimmy Candlestick chapter 10 . 11/28/2010
I *knew* I recognized Agura! Wow...that sounded weird.

The plot thickens...wonderfully. I loved Banjee's story telling.
Fenrir's Daughter chapter 10 . 11/28/2010
Agura! That's awesome that she's there, if only for a cameo. It's definitely suspenseful, I'll give you that. Everyone's acting natural, sure, but they're just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Dystopias are so scary, but they make for good stories. Can't wait to see what happens next!


leavingyouforme chapter 9 . 9/25/2010
There were some points in this chapter that confused me. For example, I probably just don't get in the moment, but what does Dan mean when he thinks but also they had lost track of their best chance?

The Accelerons were all about winning. Why would they want to keep the losers? I thought Tezla told the guys that the Accelerons' philosophy was about competition, about improving oneself and not victory like for the Drones? Or didn't he and the guys are assuming things, or did you change a bit of the plot's history?

Whatever the Silencerz were looking for at the cube, it must be important to them, if it maybe led them to have the Tekus and Metal Maniacs sought as terrorists. I somehow have the feeling it's maybe the ring Vert received from the Acceleron due to what the Silenzer said about resonance (first portal, Highway 35) and how it would 'wind up', like suddenly appearing out of nowhere. And Tesla mentioning a deus ex machina fits to the coordinates of the wheel sent to Shirako - but why didn't Tezla pick up on them? Shirako must have showed them the mail, or did you maybe forget this scene? Btw, why should Shirako think Vert had the Wheel of Power? The ring he received didn't look like it, not at least until the Silenzers examined it in their base. You don't have to but maybe you could send me a PM about the whole stuff? '

Apropos Vert- I bet whoever among the Silenzers is directly involved with the government blew a fuse when he escaped and then vanished/was seen to be caught by Drones. *wibbles at news how long it's gonna take until we learn how he and Kadeem are doing* You're an evil tease, you know that?

I'd have never thought to make Lani and Porkchop go as the team to find vehicles, it's actually genius. Both are good with motors and are sensible with repairs/tuning unlike Monkey for example. And I love that the tension rose so much it escalated into arguments, most of all the big one getting started by Alec (he has every reason to freak out, but Banjee was also right when he called him out on it).

There were some minor spelling and punctuation mistakes, like 'wont' in Well, we wont get anything useful... and 'edead' in into edead monster zombie cyborg things, nothing big.
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