Reviews for The Education of Fujioka Haruhi
Isimplywantmore chapter 1 . 11/23/2018
Give. Me. Moreeee! And if there is already more..please direct me to it!
firearrow13 chapter 1 . 8/9/2014
I really liked the story, please write more :)
TrueKismet chapter 1 . 2/11/2014
If the twins were real god. I would hide but stalk them yes i would stalk them i would hide just because im afraid of what they would come up with. They are way too smart sometimes.
Sony Boy chapter 1 . 7/12/2012
That Haruhi does think about the rest of the Club and how this would effect them but doesn't place a higher value than what she wants is great. She does think about it, acknowledge that is would change things, worries that it may destroy/break something or not but then consider herself and her wishes and wants and how she feels about it. It's great, and really HER.

Also that she decides that she's not ready as her reason Perfect. She knows herself and is truthful with the twins.

Then things go back on track, like it has been moved on from.

I also have to apologise to you. I read this a while ago-a year ago, maybe?-but it seems I didn't review. I'm so sorry. Thank you for posting this.
wishIwereanime chapter 1 . 7/20/2011
i'm not quite sure how to react to this, so...not that it was bad! it was very good! it's just that laughing doesn't seem right, and there wasn't any twincest to be fangirl-y about... I liked it. A lot :)
LuckyTurtle chapter 1 . 4/11/2011
This was really great!

You really got the characters down! They weren't OOC at all (I think).

I actually cheated so far and haven't read the series (though I plan to as soon as possible!), so maybe reading them would change my opinion, but I personally favor either Haruhi/Kaoru or Haruhi/Hikaru (I haven't decided which twin I like better!).
AngelRin89 chapter 1 . 8/16/2009
SO CUTE! I kinda want a sequel to this story!

I love HaruhixTwins...they're so cute!
SharpCookies chapter 1 . 11/12/2007
Awesome. Because I'm lazy, that's all I'll say. Good job! *puts thumbs up*
Steeple333 chapter 1 . 9/27/2007
One thing I really love about Haruhi is how stupidly practical she is about everything. Or maybe that's what "pragmatic" means..? Eh, I'll look it up...

It's nice to know that you think of Kaoru and Hikaru as two different people. I don't know how they could do it... I mean, I have a twin sister (fraternal, but we had our share of "but you look exact alike!" when we were younger... grr), but I think of her as my older sister. She's the middle child, I'm the youngest, and I hated being together all the time. We were together at home and (sometimes) at school, so wasn't it enough to be in the same room without being partners or whatever?

Eh, sorry about the rant... but still, I couldn't immerse myself like those two do in that "twin" identity... where the world is divided between "us two" and "everyone else".
KinKitsune01 chapter 1 . 9/21/2007
I loved it! Really wasn't expecting this kind of fic when I read the title and I have to say, it was a pleasant surprise! :D
Sambucivox chapter 1 . 9/14/2007
Damn, that was hot. And it included sashimi and a nice character analysis.

To the archive!
boldly chapter 1 . 9/13/2007
This was very cute. Oh how I do love those twins. .