Reviews for Officemate
Nightstalker100 chapter 1 . 4/16
Yes people are still “following this thing” so please update. Even though it’s been years we’re prying that you’ll return to complete the fic someday, fingers crossed for sooner than later. Really enjoy reading your works.
The Cosplay Ninja chapter 1 . 12/5/2018
I love the Roommate series! They bring a bright smile to my face with the most unbelievable jokes, puns and scenarios. Please update! Like, even one more chapter to finish the story off I'll be happy. Thank you for writing these pieces!
Guest chapter 8 . 12/24/2017
I read this story back in the days when it was first posted. It is one of the very few fanfics that stayed with me and I think the only story I read more than two times. I just want to let you know that it is a great story and I really hope that one day it will be updated :)
Edeansnow chapter 8 . 6/17/2017
I am still following and in love please finish.
BlueFishFood chapter 8 . 5/27/2016
This is one of the best fanfictions I have ever read, I lowkey recommended it to all of my friends. But seriously, I love this story so much, I cried. If it is convenient, please update!
Anonymous123456787654321 chapter 7 . 2/13/2016
uh oh. well this isnt going well. i didnt expect it to anyway. their relationship has no trust.
Anonymous123456787654321 chapter 5 . 2/13/2016
i kind of had a feeling somewhere along the line here Kakashi would get hurt. Because he's just too extreme and can't express himself. lol otherwise how would be seem vulnerable lol? idk if thats what you intended its just what i think should happen
Anonymous123456787654321 chapter 4 . 2/13/2016
thats funny that Kakashi is the angry one. then again hes pretty stupid to spy on Iruka even still!
Guest chapter 3 . 2/13/2016
im so happy for Iruka...
Anonymous123456787654321 chapter 2 . 2/13/2016
Aw so sad. Too bad Kakashi was a dumbass. He ruined it.
Anonymous123456787654321 chapter 1 . 2/12/2016
Raidou is in love with Genma? Poor guy. Genma is probably the worst ever in this fic. even more than Kakashi if that's possible lol
Guest chapter 8 . 10/3/2015
I think that Iruka is fooling himself into thinking that he is over Kakashi and in love with his fiance and is really in live with the stability that she gives him like it's only been a year how do you go from in love with one person to another's fast... Answer: you don't
Anyway you can't come up with a story like this then just ditch it you have to write more
I love how the story goes together
NowingsAngel chapter 8 . 9/30/2015
You can't leave off there you have to keep writing nothing is resolved. Iruka still has feeling for Kakashi but will they come to an understanding! What about Iruka's finance? I don't Iruka could really love her it's only been a year! She so obviously was and still is a rebound. But Iruka being emotionally unstable needs someone that could love him even if he doesn't feel the same way. Damn it Kakashi pull your head out of your ass!
Parnita chapter 8 . 9/16/2015
Oh my god.. Y isnt there a next chapter... Complete it!
I wanna know what happens next! U cant create a conplex interesting story & leave it hanging!
giddymnky chapter 8 . 6/22/2015
I found Roommates a couple days ago, and have binge-read up to here ever since. I really like it. It's interesting an well written. There are small details woven into the story that really bring this to life for me. The moments that capture the depth of emotion felt by the characters, the friendships being such a big factor, and the fact that everyday life (laundry, homework, preparing/eating meals) doesn't just disappear if it isn't a plot point, make me so much more invested in a story.
When I started reading I was not expecting to be taken on such an emotional roller-coaster. I was not expecting it to be so goddamn angsty. But I loved it and got hooked. I was not expecting roommates to end the way it did, and immediately started reading Officemate, desperate to know how Iruka and Kakashi would turn out in this series. I really hope the author decides to pick this up again.

I like that this story is from Kakashi's perspective. We really get to see what is going on in his head, what drives him. I feel like the author did a really good job of capturing Kakashi's unhinged and depressed state, but it's hard to tell how they will take it from here. He can't stay the impulsive, violent soldier that he is, and still be with Iruka, even if he does stop lying to him (also, the surveillance might be hard thing for Iruka to just get over). Iruka is just starting to understand how damaged he is, but understanding the problem is not enough. Kakashi needs some healing, but not solely by the love of a good man. His burgeoning mentor-ship with Naruto seems like an opportunity for him to grow as a person, and watching Genma and Raidou's blossoming relationship may teach him some lessons about relationships and how to be person.

I'm also curious as to how they will address Iruka's relationship with his fiance. He clearly still loves Kakashi and hasn't moved on, and we haven't seen him tell her he loves her (or vise versa), but he seems to at least be content (if perhaps only outwardly). How did they get to be engaged so quickly after all the pain and hurt he experienced in his last relationships?

To the Author: You're work is really enjoyable, and I look forward to reading through your other stories. If you find it in yourself to finish up this story, I know myself and so many others will still be here. Thanks.
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