Reviews for Stars
otherrealmwriter chapter 1 . 1/7/2008
This is a cute story. Sorry I can't say much more but it seems very nice.
Otempora42 chapter 1 . 10/20/2007
Yeah, I agree that it's vague. If I hadn't known it was Portia, then I wouldn't have been able to tell. But it was very well-written and interesting. I like it.
The Aluminum Monster chapter 1 . 9/13/2007
This was really good. Good job :)
Call Me Blue Streak chapter 1 . 9/13/2007
I am very confused... Yet the story made absolute sense... Is this going to be a chaptered story? If so then an excellent prologue. And if not then it was a damn good story, but the character could have been anyone from the show. Still, I hope it cured your anxiety attack.

There should be more stories with under-used characters like this. Rock on! ;)