Reviews for Demonic Lust
MidnightJewl chapter 8 . 8/1/2016
I love this story hope u continue
bloodyrose12345 chapter 8 . 7/10/2013
I really like this story :) r u going to continue it or is it dropped?
Thy Blue Pen Cap chapter 8 . 8/24/2009
HOLY CRAP! Normally I just love Shino, but I was hoping he would die...til Duck anywho I love this story!
ramenbulldog chapter 8 . 12/21/2008
hey youer shikaxkiba story is rilly good the one were kiba is half demon u should keep going on the story
Kiba-is-forever chapter 8 . 11/26/2008
...I got really into this fanfic, then you just leave me hanging?'d better update...
lilly love chapter 8 . 7/19/2008
WOW ! good story, im really enjoying it so far, I wonder if garra and naruto are gona be gay togther XD anyway awsome work cant wait to read the next chapterm _
ForArchiving chapter 8 . 6/13/2008
It was really good and the story plot is intresting, but you need to work on you spelling. Proof-read, proof-read, proof-read... Keep up the good work!
ShinobuChan93 chapter 8 . 6/5/2008
Ur...damn cliffhangers...please hurry up and update! This, like your other stories, is awesome!
APurpleAvacado chapter 8 . 6/3/2008
*Squeal* Shino, Shino, Shino, la, la, la la, la la! Awesome _ I can't wait to find out what Kiba's going to do about this :P I wonder, will Shino catch on quickly to Shikamaru's blood-line? xD

I can't wait! Update soon! I love it!
APurpleAvacado chapter 7 . 4/14/2008
Aww, Kiba's worried about Shino. I hope Shino's okay. I like Shino. xD Eheheh, yayness! Shikamaru's starting to like Kiba!

I love it! Update soon!
goofball16 chapter 6 . 3/21/2008
I love you! and I love your story!

How can people not understand the whole Akamaru-Kiba thing? It is just wrong to have a kiba and no akamaru.

So when will Temari and Shika break up? Shika being straight bugs me.

Wait...there's another half demon besides Gaara? is it Naruto? that would make the most sense...

so anywho! I love you! I am an avid fan of this fiction!
APurpleAvacado chapter 6 . 3/20/2008
Good chapter D I jsut thought I'd let you know "bite his arm as hard and deep as possibly possible" makes no sense. Try changing it to "as deep as possible" or something xD

Update soon!
Pair of Zeppelins chapter 6 . 3/19/2008
Sunkist is called Ginger Germs now. Totally.

I can't see anymore if people reply to my reviews... What should I do...? Now i won't even get your response because of that minor detail...Oh snaps.
DZD3 chapter 5 . 2/17/2008

...They do love eachother in the end right?...if this is not a yaoi I will be pissed...but will still read...I guess.
APurpleAvacado chapter 5 . 2/12/2008
Well, this was certainly a very interesting chapter, I like the way you introduced Akamaru, I'm glad he's going to be in the story D

I love it, Update soon!
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