Reviews for Not Enough
WickedRogueX chapter 39 . 9/28/2018
Wow. I love it! I took my ipad to work with me and I have been reading it every free moment I get...(and maybe a few not so free moments). It was so good I couldnt just stop. I would love to read more stories from you.
annejoy chapter 39 . 2/5/2017
This is such an incredible story! Your writing is excellent, the characterization perfect.
I wish there were more stories from you to enjoy.
I've read this twice already and I will read it again. Thank you so much for sharing!
Guest chapter 39 . 2/2/2017
I'm a bit late to read this story...But it was an excellent read! This story has reminded me of how much I loved this series. Thankyou
piccolaJaneway chapter 20 . 6/16/2016
this better not be real
piccolaJaneway chapter 12 . 6/15/2016
please gentlemen... i don't think this is the most appropriate time to fight...
btw amazing story
froonium chapter 39 . 6/10/2015
Wow... What an awesome story. From the beginning till the the end well-thought-out. I couldn't stop reading and nearly did it in one run.
It's a pity you haven't written another (complete) story
Well... congratulations to you for this really, really wonderful, intoxicating and exciting story.
kncrowder88 chapter 39 . 4/7/2013
This is really good. Love how you had this written. Love the interaction between all the characters, especially Janeway and Chakotay, it was amazing to see how the story evolved. Great job.
Smurf chapter 39 . 3/4/2013
I wish that it didn't end. This whole book is really REALLY good.
Smurf chapter 22 . 3/3/2013
This chapter made me cry so much. They whole story is amazing. chapter 39 . 6/16/2011
Yeaa1! ALL DONE! Good job! chapter 21 . 6/16/2011
so do I get a reward for sticking with this so far? :-D chapter 20 . 6/16/2011
You're right I'm never talkin' to you again. hmpfh! :-D

You're story is very well written and awesome. I'm really enjoying it.
Marcus S. Lazarus chapter 39 . 4/4/2011
While the start is slightly let down by the fact that we ‘dived’ directly into the plot with Janeway trying to rescue her crew while helping the Oncaveat rather than seeing how “Voyager” got involved in this mess from the beginning, it does create an interesting edge of drama due to the questions that arise as a result, and the Jehnz-yin come across as easy-to-loathe villains very well in an effectively abrupt manner, even as the questions about the Oncaveat’s motives and abilities- such as this ‘failsafe’ you mentioned- raise even further questions.

If nothing else, the Jehnz-yin’s sheer arrogance in assuming that every race they meet MUST be like them biologically made it clear that they had little real interest in exploring or learning more about the universe around them, making them automatically opposed to “Voyager”’s ideals and motives by their very nature, even if subsequent revelations regarding the nature of their old ties to the Oncaveat made it clear that some of them had greater depth than others.

Janeway’s near-death experience and the encounter she had in the process seemed a bit pointless, but the subsequent twist of the role she was forced to play for the Jehnz-yin civilian population helped to make up for that, and her dealings with the new chancellor made an interesting- if disturbing- contrast to her experiences at his father’s hands as she found herself confronting someone who actually ‘admired’ her in a twisted manner.

However, in the end you’re let down by one simple fact; you skipped over the final fight scene.

I can understand if you don’t feel comfortable writing inter-ship combat, but when you went from the meeting with the new Jehnz-yi general to “Voyager” undergoing repairs after the battle, it gives the impression that you missed a chapter and couldn’t be bothered going back to fill in the blanks (And I still feel that the ambiguity of what ‘John’ is let you down somewhat).

All in all, your general plot was good and your characterisation was interesting- particularly regarding Janeway and Chakotay’s relationship-, but you could have benefited from including more details in certain areas.
JamieRobs chapter 39 . 12/15/2010
Epic! Incredible! I'd be more specific but, as usual, you kept me up quite late. I have looked forward to reading this every single night for the past couple of weeks. On nights that I couldn't get to it, I was thinking about it! LOL! Now that I've finished it I'm a little sad. I loved every mintute of it! Keep Writing and Thank you!
DarkHeraldMage chapter 39 . 3/3/2010
I've spent the past few weeks reading this incredible story, so I apologize for not taking the time to individually review the chapters, but I just didn't want to stop and take the time to write anything if I could be reading another chapter instead.

While I was a little frustrated to see how many chapters you dragged out the torture of Janeway, I still understood why you did it and how it was necessary in the grand scheme of things. I won't pretend I wasn't excited when it was finally over, both for the sake of the character and for my sanity, but it was well done overall.

I'm also very pleased how you handled the Janeway/Chakotay potential relationship. So many others fling them into an intense relationship as if that's the only way it can be done, but your way is actually true to the characters, and it was great. Thank you so much for such a wonderful story.
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